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We got to a bar and we all started to drink and have fun. He hopped to another one after a little bit. "Do you dance?" Cameron grabbed my hand and I shook my head. "No?" He asked and pulled me to the floor.

"No" I laughed but I let him pull me. The music was loud and everyone was already dancing and sweaty and drunk. We started to dance and I was actually having a lot of fun.

"Cam. Q. Come do shots" Ryan called over the music. We looked at him and then each other before following him to the bar. The 7 of us stood there and there were shots lined up. We all took the shots and it burned my throat a lot but the 4th one went down like water.

I was starting to feel very warm and very drunk. I hung on to Cameron and he had his hand on my waist. "We should probably go" he told me and I gasped. "Why? Were having fun" I frowned. "You are really drunk" he laughed and I caught my self smiling.

"I'm very much a lightweight" I shrugged. "One of the many things I love about you. You get all lushy after 4 drinks" he chuckled and I giggled. "Just. Little longer" I told him and he smiled. We drank a bit more and chatted with some people. 

"Let's go baby. We've gotta get up early and I don't really think you want a huge hang over in the morning" he pulled his phone out and held me up. I was swaying as he led me towards the door.

"Cam you got her?" Ryan asked. "Yeah mate. Were goin home. Have fun" Cameron smiled. Ryan nodded and he walked off. We walked outside and the air was a little chilly. "It feels so good outside" I put my arms out and leanded my head back.

He put his hand on my back and then grabbed around my waist. I smelled the air and leaned to the right a little bit but he had hold of me. "What are we doing out here?" I asked and went to turn back to the bar.

"No no. Were going back to the hotel" he turned me back around. "Oh yeah" I hummed and stood there. The car pulled up and Cam helped me in and then got in. We got to the hotel and he got out and pulled my hand as I went to stand up. I tripped a little bit and he caught my arms.

"Holy shit" I sniffed and he pulled me back up and he shut the door as he laughed. "Let's go lightweight" he told me and we walked in and took the elevator up to the our floor. I was standing in the middle of our room deciding on what I needed to do.

"Here" Cam spoke and I looked over at him. He handed me some clothes and I nodded. I turned and faced the wall and took my pants off and then my shirt and my bra. Then put the loose clothes on and turned around.

Cameron was pulling the blankets down and I jumped on the bed. He had changed and he got in bed and I crawled up and over to him. "What are you doing?" He chuckled and I kissed him.

"Quinn" he spoke and held my shoulder. "You're so drunk" he laughed and I laid down beside him and closed my eyes. "Good night Cam" I hummed. "Good night Quinn" he replied and I fell asleep in no time.


I woke up to a slight nudge. "Quinn I'm sorry if I'm loud but you've gotta get up" Cameron told me and shook my shoulder. "Right now?" I asked him. "Yeah. How's the head?" He asked me.

"I don't think I have a head ache" I shrugged and opened my eyes. "Are you still drunk?" He chuckled and he was throwing clothes in his bag. "I don't, think so" I pulled the covers off and I didn't have any pants on.

"Where are my pants?" I asked and he chuckled. "In the middle of the night you woke me up, told me you were too hot then proceeded to take your pants off and pass out again" he told me. "Werid" I shrugged and started to get dressed.

We grabbed our stuff and Mason and Eric were out having a cigarette in the front. "You cunts ready to leave and get back to work?" Cameron wrapped his arms around there shoulders. They both groaned and Cam chuckled.

"Where are the rest of them?" Ryan walked out with Sam. "They'll be down in a minute" Eric nodded. "You guys were down here first ready to go?" Sam sounded surprised.

"Yeah cunt were not always lazy." Mason piped up. We got the rest of the gang and we were on our way home. "You wanna stop at my place real quick and then I'll drop you back at yours?" He asked me and I nodded. "Yeah sounds good." I agreed.

We got back to his house and he set his bag down in his room. He grabbed a jacket and we were walking out. "Wait wait can we just" he grabbed my hand and I smiled. He pulled me over to the couch and pulled me down on to him. He kissed me over and over and went down to my neck as I took a deep breath.

"You've gotta work" I told him and he made a noise and kept kissing me. "Do I really have to?" He asked amd I chuckled. "Ryan will be mad if I keep you" I told him and I laid my head on his shoulder as he stopped and held me close to him. I could feel his heart beat and he steady breathing.

"Screw Ryan I'm a grown man" I spoke and I smiled. "You wanna screw Ryan? I mean what ever you gotta do" I laughed and he chuckled as I sat up. I kissed him once more and I got up. He looked up at me.

"I could just not take you home. You'd be stuck here with me" he raised an eyebrow. "I mean it's only a 15 minute walk" I started towards the door. "No. No I'll take you" he got up quickly and held the door open for me.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now