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A couple days had passed since I went to that party and Cam had called a few times and we texted everyday. He started to call me cute nicknames that made me blush and he seemed to like that.

I was unpacking my room still because the rest of my stuff had finally come in. I definitely had bad days. Horrible days but he made then better.

"Quinn" I heard a knock at my door and I walked over and opened it. "You goin over to your boyfriend's? Or is that tomorrow?" He asked me and I pushed him. "He's not my boyfriend." I spoke and he just laughed.

"I'm sure he wants to be" he nodded. "Yeah he's coming to get me in a few hours." I told him and he nodded. "Alright I'm just gonna be workin on a few things get me before you leave" he spoke and I nodded as he shut the door. I took a shower and got dressed. I was walking down the steps and the door bell rung.

"Raz!" I called and walked to the door. I opened it and Cameron smiled. "Hi" he spoke. "Hello" Raz spoke. "Hi I'm Cameron" He stuck his hand out towards my uncle. They shook hands and Raz had his hand on my back.

"Remember what I said if they try anything. Grab the arm, push down to break it" Raz told me and I got red in the face. "You kids have fun" he smiled and I walked out the door and walked towards Camerons car.

"That was embarrassing" I spoke and he just laughed as he started the car. We drove to his apartment and he held open the door for me. "Shoes on? Off?" I asked him.

"What ever you want" he told me and kicked off his shoes. I kept mine on. I looked around. It was pretty nice. Open kitchen. I saw the living room and some stairs.

"I can give you the tour or you can check it out yourself" he told me and I looked over and he was wrapping an apron around his waist. "What are you gonna make?" I leaned onto the counter.

"Puttanesca with a bit of mashpototes on the side and bread for eating before the meal" he told me. "Also red wine but I know you really don't drink. I've got water and other stuff if you don't want that" he offered.

"I'll try some" I nodded and he smiled. "Well its gonna be about an hour so you better get comfortable" he told me and popped open a the bottle of wine.

He poured me a glass and his hand was a little shakey. He handed it to me and I took it and walked to the couch. I was very, very careful not to spill because that would be the worse thing.

20 minutes passed and it was already smelling amazing. I stood up and walked over. "Do you want any help?" I asked him and he was buttering bread.

"You are doing a perfect job of sitting and looking beautiful darling" he smiled and handed me a piece of bread. He ate one and I ate mine.

"Well can I use your bathroom?" I asked and he nodded. "Its upstairs down the hall to the left" he spoke and I nodded. I walked up the steps and down the hall. His bedroom door was open.

I went pee and looked around the bathroom for a moment. I walked out and back down the hall. I heard him in the kitchen and I peeked into his room. I took a step in and looked around a bit. Bed. Closet. There could be a dead body in there.

I opened the door but it was normal. Shoes on the ground very neat. Shirts hung up. I closed the door and backed up. I walked out and down the steps. He was still cooking and I walked down the hall. There was another bathroom down here too.

I opened a door and there was a desk with 3 computers on it. Fancy. "What are you doin back there?" He called and I shut the door and walked out to the kitchen.

"Just, lookin around" I told him and he smiled. "Did you find anything weird?" He asked me and I shook my head and he smiled.

"It is almost done. What kind of music do you listen too?" He asked me. "Usually what ever the person I'm hanging out with likes. It helps me to get to know them." I spoke and he turned on some music. Much more upbeat than I was expecting. My hands are so sweaty. Was he nervous too?

"So how long are you gonna be in Melbourne for?" He asked and I sat down at the counter in a stool. "Uh I live here now, I guess" I shrugged. He nodded and was quiet for a second. I drank a little of the wine only cause I was nervous. Was I thinking to loud. What if I'm being weird. Why did I look around his house. Fuck.

"Quinn" he spoke and I looked up at him. "You alright? You're thinking a little hard" he chuckled and I sat up. "Just a little nervous. I haven't been on a date like this, ever" I shook my head.

"You've never had anyone cook for you?" He asked and I shook my head. "Only family members" I told him. "Well I love cooking but never have anyone to feed." He told me and there was stuff on the stove and in the stove. He was mixing stuff in bowls.

"Maybe you could teach me to cook?" I offered and he grinned. "I would like that" he nodded. "It is almost ready" he spoke again. "I am starving and it smells amazing" I told him and stood up off the stool.

"Where are your plates? Forks?" I asked. "Plates are by the stove to the left on top and forks are beside me over here" he told me and I grabbed the plates and the forks. I heard a phone ring and it wasn't mine.

"What the" he pulled his phone out and put it to his ear. "Mas what's goin on?" He asked a bit worried. "How big?" he asked and stopped stirring.

"Yes I hear him in the back please. Mason I-" he stopped. "I understand but Im-" he stopped again. "I'm with someone right now I can't just-" he stopped again and I smiled a bit.

"Ok cunt. Jesus christ give me 5 minutes" he told Mason and threw his rag down. "Ok so" he spoke and looked at me and I smiled. "Whats so funny?" He asked. "Nothing. What's wrong with Mason?" I asked him.

"There is a huge spider in there house and Swags is close to fainting. As the adult he has summoned me over there to kill it" he told me and I laughed lightly.

"Should I come with?" I asked him. "Please" he nodded and grabbed his jacket. He walked behind me and put it over my shoulders and walked to the door to put his shoes on.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now