Chapter 1

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         "Fate decides how much we will suffer, but we are the ones who decide whether to suffer or not."

*Fifteen minutes before they arrive at the room of pure of omegas ...*

"Omegas, you must enlist two buyers are on the way" without further ado the informant transferred the order that Lee had given.

Jungkook when hearing him sigh and got up lazily from his huge bed, again alphas would come to "buy them", giving tickets to take an omega home, how much they hated when Mr. Lee came in and ordered them to groom themselves so that the alphas could see them, examine them, give them their opinion on their appearance or their clothes, as if they were products from a store on display on the counter, each one had a price and it was the most painful of all.

All the virgin omegas were omegas that Mr. Lee and his men had kidnapped, as opposed to the prostitute omegas who had a five-year contract.  And even if the contract ended, the latter ended up renewing them, they were prostitutes ... they were not going to get a job elsewhere in a society where purity was everything, besides.  If customers gave good reviews about an omega, it would cost more to rent and that somehow benefited those omegas who gave their bodies to please wealthy alphas. 

The virgins were another story, they all slept together in a Victorian-style room.  packed with comforts like soft, clean beds, expensive dresses, and jewelry.  In addition to that they were sold at high prices to alphas who were looking for a partner, in the event that the virgin omega was rented, as soon as he finished giving his first service he was demoted and was taken with the prostitute omegas since he was no longer a virgin. universe of survival, for Jungkook that was his way of living since he was kidnapped. The thousand times he would prefer to be a prostitute.


Well, he thought "when you are a prostitute you see that alpha only once, since it is rare for an alpha to ask for rented to the same omega. On the other hand .. when you are a virgin you are sold to an alpha, he takes you as his omega and you are obliged to see him every day that remains of your life giving him puppies or pleasing him until the end of your days "

If he thought like that ... Then why hadn't Jungkook signed a contract with Lee already? 

Lee would never let him, as Jungkook was the only omega son of a billionaire businessman from Busan, he was a precious omega.  This is why Lee and his men kidnapped him and took him to that place where he was, they did studies on him and found that he was a virgin. 
Jungkook's price was high for being the son of someone important and for being a virgin.

Lee was looking for someone to buy him since he would earn a juicy amount of money, if he allowed Jungkook to go from bed to bed and his earnings would lose.

"Junghye, will you help me please?" He kindly asked the beta, he nodded and helped him unfasten the corset that he was wearing over the white tunic.  He took it out and went to the door at the back of the room that led to the huge bathroom that consisted of several tubs filled with hot water with fragrances in the water to give a delicate aroma to the omega that was bathed with it.

The omega got into the water and the beta began to slide the sponge all over his body cleaning it, he looked around and saw that he was not the only one, fourteen more omegas were there doing the same ... Preparing to see who was the one sold this time.

Perhaps it is a lower priced omega.

On the other hand it could also be one of the virgin omegas that were from middle class families before being kidnapped, or it may be a more expensive omega like Jungkook, they were the ones who had been children of millionaires before being there fate would tell.

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