The Barnes

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Bucky woke up one morning to the sounds of Sarah's boys playing downstairs and the smell of breakfast food that could have only been made by one woman floating through the house. As he walked downstairs, Allie was plating breakfast for everyone, Sarah working on something at a different counter.

"Good morning," Bucky greeted.

Allie smiled up at him as he walked over to her and kissed her. Only parting when they heard the fake gagging coming from the boys, Allie and Bucky simply laughed and sat down with their breakfast. The boys quickly joined them at the table while Sarah went and rounded up Sam and Steve. It was one of the most pleasant breakfasts that they'd had in a while. It was also their last in Louisiana.

In the time that they had stayed at Sam's home, the boat had been fixed and Allie had been able to watch Sam and Bucky become better friends. Despite loving watching her husband smiling consistently for the first time in a long time, Allie was around Sarah's boys enough that she realized that she needed to mentally prepare herself for what being a boy mom would entail. She knew that she would never be able to erase some of the things that she had heard from her mind.

Seemingly, before Allie could even blink, Sam and Bucky had scarfed down their breakfasts and went outside, Sam grabbing the shield on his way out. Allie and Steve exchanged a look, laughing as they realized what the two had gone outside to do. When Allie finished her food, Sarah offered to wash the dishes to let Allie and Steve pack their belongings.

When Allie went up to the guest room that she and Bucky had been staying in, she smiled as she could hear a soft thudding of metal outside. As she tried to peek out the window to catch a glimpse of them, she realized that she'd have to finish packing first. Doing so, she asked for Steve's help to carry the bags downstairs.

As she made her way downstairs and out to the front yard, she smirked at Sam and Bucky. They were still in the midst of chatting as Allie walked up to them. Sam threw the shield and Bucky caught it, noticing Allie walking up.

"I didn't realize that the morning was the best time to throw it," she grinned.

"It's relaxing," Sam shrugged.

"Is it now?" she continued to smile. "I'd like to try if it's so relaxing."

"No," Bucky shook his head."

"What do you mean no?" she frowned.

"I mean no. One of two things will happen. You'll either purposely scare the shit out of us or have terrible aim," he teased with a shrug.

"False," she rolled her eyes. "You taught me to aim a gun and I've always had a good arm, remember? Now let me try."

Sam and Bucky looked to one another, shrugging and allowing Allie to take the shield in her hands. She remembered the many times she had held the shield as something to protect herself and sometimes Bucky when in the Commandos. The times that her brother had thrown it at someone to protect her. She remembered the images she had seen where the shield had been disgraced by someone who shouldn't have had it in the first place. Now it was home.

She wasn't able to do anything crazy, but she did manage to put a good swing on her throw. The shield bounced between the mats as it flew back to Sam's arms. She smirked at the two as Sam set it down.

"I'm going to miss you guys," Sam said with a smile. "It's been nice to have a full house."

"Don't worry, you'll see us again soon," Allie smiled.

"You'll let me know if you have leads?" Bucky asked.

"Of course," Sam nodded.

"Alright. You say the words and I'll be there," Bucky grinned.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now