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Allie found that once again, she had woken up before Bucky. Just as they always did, his soft snores filled the room. Turning towards the window, she could see that it was just before sunrise. She took a deep breath and settled herself closer to Bucky.

Hearing him begin to stir, she felt as he nestled his head against her and furrowed his brows. There was a small groan as he woke up and Allie couldn't help but smile at the sound. In her heart, she was excited for the day. She knew that everything would work out in the way that it was supposed to and they would continue to wake up that way for the rest of their lives.

"Good morning," she smiled.

"Good morning," his voice was muffled against the fabric of his shirt that she had gone to sleep in.

"Today's the day," she breathed softly as she brought her hand to lay against his.

"Can't we just lay here forever? That sounds nice," he yawned.

"And miss your hearing? Fat chance, Sarge," she grinned.

"But you're so warm," he complained.

"That's because I can create fire," Allie laughed as she turned over to face him.

His eyes were squinted shut as if he had been blinded and his newly cut hair was sticking out at odd angles from how he slept. His dog tags still laid against his chest and his vibranium arm was propped up against the pillow.

"Just let me have this," he groaned.

"Nope," she smiled.

Turning over slightly, Allie grabbed the phone that Steve had gotten her and looked at the time on it. A message from Steve was on the screen and as she read it, Allie realized that she and Bucky still had the apartment to themselves for a few hours. Smirking to herself, she placed the phone back down and turned to face Bucky again.

"Hey, how do you feel about breakfast?" Allie asked with a smirk still present.

"I don't want to eat yet," Bucky scrunched his nose. "The sun's still not up."

"Oh, I wasn't thinking that kind of breakfast," she grinned.

In an instant, Bucky had perked up and his eyes widened as he looked over at her. The entire time that they had been together, Bucky had often teased of having "breakfast" before joining their friends or continuing on missions. Every time, they'd then either been interrupted or Allie had told him they had to wait. Now Allie had a grin on her face as she suggested it.

"Are you serious?" he asked as if she were playing a joke on him.


Not knowing how to respond, Bucky didn't hesitate as he kissed her. Morning breath and tangled hair be damned, he wasn't going to let it stop him from loving her that morning.

"So you're sure you don't want pancakes instead?" Allie grinned against his lips.

"Oh, this is so much better than pancakes."

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When Steve arrived at the apartment, Allie and Bucky were completely dressed and ready to walk out the door. It seemed as though both were ready to go. Steve dismissed himself to dress himself for the hearing, smiling as he noticed the vase of red roses on a side table. As soon as he was dressed and out in the living room once more, Allie was readily pushing him and Bucky to the door.

After having had the long drive to Allie and Sam's hearing, Steve had decided that it was in everyone's best interest if he found a way to get ahold of a Quinjet to arrive at Bucky's hearing. Allie chose not to question it, instead being excited for the extra time that they had that morning as a result.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now