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Steve had found out about Allie visiting Westview. 

Having brought lunch over to the apartment for their forming Friday tradition, he was sat and eating when a knock sounded at the door and an FBI agent stood to greet Allie. Concerned that he was witnessing his sister being recruited for a project, Steve stood in surprise. Instead, the agent began to ask Allie questions about Westview.

Steve looked between the agent and Allie as the conversation went on and tried to put the pieces together. Allie told of how she had gone to Westview and spoken to a few people. Being given the warning to stay out of Westview from then on, she was instructed to inform the government if she saw or came in contact with Wanda. Allie may have agreed, but Steve knew better.

"So, you just weren't going to tell me about this all? Does Bucky even know?" Steve asked as he and Allie sat down to eat once more after the agent had left. 

"Of course he knows," Allie sighed. "He was here when the first agent came and told us about Westview to begin with. But, after I'd gone there, I didn't really feel like I should tell anyone about it."

"So you really don't know what happened or where she is? No clues?" he asked, taking a bite of his food.

"No," she shook her head. "Just people that are afraid of her powers."

"I see," he said.

"But, I can't say that I really blame her," Allie shrugged. 

"What do you mean?"

"If I'd had those kinds of powers when I thought you and Bucky had died, I'd have made my own reality, too. Steve, you don't know how hard it was to go through that," she frowned.

"I lost you and Buck for five years," Steve reminded her. "I know what a living hell it is."

"Would you have done something to try and feel like we were back if you had those powers?" she raised her brow at him.

Steve took another bite of food and furrowed his brow in thought. He could understand why his sister would have done the same thing as Wanda. He, however, didn't think he could find it in himself to create a false reality. Then again, he wouldn't have exactly minded being able to shape a world of his own.

"I don't know," he admitted. "I think it's wrong, but I understand why."

"You say that as if she did it consciously."

"Didn't she?" 

"I don't think she did," Allie shook her head. "People may think that she did, but that doesn't sound like her. Not the Wanda that I know at least."

Steve nodded as they finished their meal. Cleaning up for Allie, he decided to change the subject. Realizing that Bucky would soon be home from his own lunch, he grinned at her.

"So, he really eats lunch with your neighbor every week?" 

"Yeah, it's really sweet," she smiled.

"So, who exactly is this neighbor?" Steve asked as they walked to the living room to sit on the couch.

"This sweet man from downstairs," Allie smiled. "Bucky happened to run into him one afternoon and ever since then they've gotten food together after his therapy sessions."

"Have you actually met this neighbor?" Steve smirked.

"I've met a majority of our neighbors in passing," she laughed. "He once told me that Bucky was soft spoken during their meals."

"Bucky? Soft spoken?" Steve bellowed in laughter.

"I know," she smiled. "I was tempted to ask if we were talking about the same James Barnes."

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now