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Allie had gotten the call in the early afternoon. She was furious as she called Steve and informed him of the current situation that Bucky was in. Soon enough, she and Steve were making the long drive to Baltimore, Maryland.

"So, explain to me what exactly is going on?" Steve asked as he drove.

"Well, James decided it was a good idea to skip his mandated therapy session to go overseas with Sam," she bit out.

"Did he go with Sam for that same mission that he was going on?" he questioned.

"I don't know," she sighed in frustration. "But because he decided to do that and as a result broke his pardon condition, a warrant was put out for his arrest. They found him and Sam in Baltimore and took him into custody. That's as much as I know."

The drive to Baltimore was an uneasy one. Steve and Allie didn't quite know how to distract themselves. Neither knew the full extent of what had gone down that led to what was currently going on. With as long as the drive was, it wasn't what made the trip feel as if it was lasting forever. It was the waiting for an explanation.

As they finally reached Baltimore as the night time sky could be seen, Allie felt her heart pound in her chest as she knew she was closer to an answer. Walking into the police station, Allie and Steve quickly noticed Sam who looked up to see them entering the waiting room. As she saw him, Allie immediately became angry. She wanted answers.

"Allie? Oh thank god," Sam said as he stood and watched as Allie and Steve made their ways over to where he was.

"Sam, you have exactly five seconds to tell me what the fuck happened," Allie narrowed her eyes and Steve's eyes widened at his sister as he placed a hand on her arm.

"Allie," Steve began to calmly warn.

"No, Steve. I'd like to know exactly what the hell led to my husband missing his mandated therapy session and being arrested in Baltimore. No call, no notice, nothing. Just locked up behind bars," she narrowed her eyes.

Sam and Steve briefly held each other's eye as they realized that Allie wasn't going to let anything continue without hearing an explanation. She was furious.

"He followed me to Germany and led me here to Baltimore when we got back," Sam left it simple.

"And no one thought to let his pregnant wife know where he was going?" she hissed.

"In our defense we had a nasty shock over there," Sam said.

"A nasty shock? Oh do enlighten me," she folded her arms across her chest.

"This isn't exactly the place I'd do that in, but, to put it mildly, Steve and Bucky aren't the only super soldiers out there," Sam said and Steve furrowed his brow in confusion.

An officer walked over and as Steve and Sam thought it was about Allie's angry outburst, they were pleasantly surprised to find out it was to inform them that Bucky was being released. While Allie's face didn't show it, she too was relieved to find out he was being let out. As the officer left after assuring he'd be out soon, the three took a seat. Footsteps could be heard against the floor as someone walked closer to the three.

"Sam?" the voice said and when they looked up they all saw a woman standing in front of them. "Ah, Allie and Steve. I'm Dr. Raynor, James's therapist."

All three stood and walked over to greet her. Sam immediately went to shake her hand as Steve helped his sister steady herself after having stood up too quickly.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now