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Allie fell into a rhythm as she chopped the vegetables beside Sarah. She was quite honestly thankful to have something to do other than sit and read, just hoping that everything was okay. The images of the video circulating around the internet of John Walker disgracing the shield continued to play in Allie's mind. She prayed that she would never meet him face-to-face again in fear that she might purposely hurt him. The shield had been a symbol of protection and defense; not revenge and offense.

It had been a couple of days since Sam had finally returned to Louisiana, happily hugging Allie as soon as he saw her, thanking her for being willing to protect his sister and nephews. They had had a conversation of their own, coming to terms with what had happened both before he and Bucky had taken off to Berlin and after John Walker had gone viral online for what he had done.

Allie and Steve had enjoyed the peace that they had found during their short time in Louisiana, happy to help with whatever they could. Allie often found herself in the kitchen helping Sarah or in the living room watching Sarah's boys.

The women worked fluidly together as they continued to cook dinner before the screen door to the living room slammed against it's frame and footsteps entered the room. Neither woman turned around, both assuming that Steve or Sam had come back in from the docks.

"I've always liked your cooking," his voice said and Allie froze.

Putting the vegetables back against the chopping board and wiping her hands on a kitchen rag, Allie turned around to see Bucky standing in the doorway with his hand rubbing his neck. She could see the cuts across his nose and the purple bruise on his cheek. As he looked at her, he tried to tell if she was still angry or if she was happy to see him. Neither noticed as Sarah gave one glance in their direction before excusing herself outside.

Walking up to him and placing a hand on each cheek, Allie pulled Bucky into a kiss. Frustration, happiness, relief, it all flooded over her as she held him close to her for the first time in what had felt like an eternity. Standing closer to him, she looked at the cuts on his nose before looking him in the eye.

"Don't you dare ever do that again," Allie sighed as she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm not going to be widowed a second time."

Bucky held Allie close, the faint kicking coming from the baby thumping against him. He took a deep breath as he cursed himself for having left her in Brooklyn in the first place. He cursed himself further once he realized that despite his actions, Allie was still firmly at his side. As the baby kicked just a bit harder, Allie leaned back to look up at Bucky.

"He's pissed, too," she smirked. 

"I'm sorry," Bucky swallowed.

"I know," she nodded.

"That's it? No scolding me?" he raised his brow.

"Oh, we're talking later," Allie frowned. "But all I needed to know that you weren't just abandoning me was the fear in your voice on that phone call."

Bucky took a deep breath before nodding. Allie had placed a hand on her belly before looking towards the door. The voices from some could be heard drifting through the wind, carrying through the humid afternoon air. Allie nodded in the direction of the backdoor.

"Care to go see Steve and Sam?" Allie asked as the cool of Bucky's vibranium arm found it's way against her heated back.

"Is Steve mad?" Bucky asked.

"If he wasn't mad at Sam, do you really think he's mad at you?" she asked with furrowed brows.

"Allie, Sam is our friend. You are Steve's little sister. He's always had a bit of a habit of picking fights and I didn't exactly say the nicest things that night before I ran off with Sam," Bucky said.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now