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Allie stood on her own with an earpiece in to hear the voices of her teammates. As they had all come together after suiting up, Steve had given each person a role and job. Wanda and one of the men, who had quickly introduced himself as Clint before parting from the group, had been instructed to wait in the parking deck. Bucky and Sam had been sent to a terminal in order to search for a Quinjet. Scott Lang had shrunk down in size and was hiding on Steve's shield. Steve had gone running out on the tarmac with shield in hand.

Allie stood hidden and waited as she heard the voices of Bucky, Sam, Wanda, and Clint confirming that they were in their positions. Allie kept an eye out on the sky to see if she saw anyone, specifically Tony, but she heard his voice confronting her brother as he ran towards a helicopter.

Steve had watched as Tony and Rhodey landed and stopped him from going any further. From where she stood, Allie listened as her brother tried to explain what was going on with the doctor to Tony, who didn't seem to listen. Allie heard another set of footsteps land and heard her brother acknowledging them.

"Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in," Tony said. "And that was twenty-four hours ago. Mind helping out with that?"

Allie crossed her arms and gave a large sigh as she heard her brother trying to explain the situation again before more voices could be heard trying to convince Steve to give up Bucky. For a majority of the interaction, Steve remained silent. Allie just hoped that Sam was going to be able to find the Quinjet sooner rather than later.

Allie knew that Steve was being cornered, but she wasn't exactly sure that joining him in that moment was the best option. After all, it wasn't exactly like she was on the best of terms with the people she could hear speaking to her brother.

"Found it," Sam's voice finally rang in the earpiece. "It's in hanger five."

Taking Sam's voice as her cue to go, Allie made her way out onto the tarmac. Steve's hands were raised in the air as an arrow sliced through a material that bound his hands together. Scott regrew and returned the shield to Steve as Allie caught up. Eyes turned to her before Tony and Rhodey looked in the directions of the other two groups.

"Two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes," Rhodey said.

"Barnes is mine!" Allie looked over to see the Prince of Wakanda, whose name she learned was T'Challa, running the direction of the terminal. Allie didn't hesitate to blast him backwards with ice as Steve knocked Rhodey back and ran in the direction of T'Challa. 

T'Challa faced Allie and Steve as they ran in his direction. Steve reached T'Challa and flipped him over his shoulder and the two men stood opposite each other. Allie looked between the two and could feel the ice forming around her finger tips. She had decided that she wasn't going to use fire unless she deemed it necessary.

"Move, Captain," T'Challa said. "I won't ask again.

Steve said nothing in response as the two began to fight hand-to-hand. Allie looked between the two men before her eyes flew up to the window outside of the terminal that Sam and Bucky were in. The person who had taken her brother's shield was on the window and Allie took one look at her brother before she looked back to see the person crashing through the window.

"Sam, Bucky? You okay up there?" Allie asked as she started building up piles of ice to run up.

"We're a little busy," Sam answered and Allie rolled her eyes.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now