Lagos and London

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"Allie, come on," Steve said as he held up his shield. "You can't hold back with this."

Allie had been working daily on using her powers in the training facility in the months following her arrival. Steve had been determined in helping her as had Wanda. There was a constant fear in Allie's mind that she would lose control or something would go wrong while she was trying to control the fire side of her powers.

Steve had originally brought Wanda into the training sessions to help contain anything that went haywire. However, Wanda and Allie quickly developed a system with their respective powers. With Wanda's ability to move things and Allie's ability to create fire and ice, they decided to experiment with Allie creating powerful blasts of fire or ice and Wanda slowing them down or speeding them up.

Allie figured that Wanda would be the best person to help in case something went wrong out in an actual fight. Even with the system that they had begun to work on, Allie still worked on being able to control her powers herself. With each day that she spent practicing her abilities, the more she felt that she could control it. 

Looking at her brother, Allie took a deep breath before creating a powerful blast of fire that Steve's shield deflected. As the fire faded and Steve threw his shield in her direction, Allie quickly formed a thick wall of ice that the shield lodged itself into. As they took a small break, Wanda and Steve gave Allie large smiles.

"You've improved with it," Wanda grinned.

"I feel less unstable," Allie smiled. "I don't think reading about the theories of my powers have really taught me anything other than their technical names."

"Which are?" 

"Pyrokinesis and cryokinesis," Allie said. "But the first sounds a little too close to pyromaniac so I don't know how I feel about that."

Wanda laughed. Allie was very happy to have her by her side throughout these training sessions. Even with everything she knew of Allie's memories, Wanda had quickly become a stable and trustworthy friend. She had kept her promise to not tell Steve what she had seen in Allie's memories, and Allie was very grateful for that.

In her more recent training sessions, Allie had been testing out new suit designs that Tony had created. There had been adjustments made every once in a while to the materials used or the way it sat on her body. The suit that she was wearing that session had been her favorite of the designs. She was able to move and breathe easily as she practiced using her powers and dodging Steve and Wanda's movements.

Steve had stepped aside from the women as Sam had entered the room. The two men were engaged in conversation while Wanda and Allie decided to take a seat.

"How do you feel about your powers?" Wanda asked.

"Better and the same," Allie sighed. "I feel more in control, but it's still scary."

"Are you going to see if you can control anything other than fire and ice?"

Allie thought about it for a moment. It could be a unique experiment to see if she could control elements related to fire and ice, but she didn't have much faith that she could.

"Maybe," Allie shrugged. 

"Wanda, Allie," Steve said as he walked over. "How do you feel about going on a mission?"

"A mission?" Allie furrowed her brow.

"There's activity in Lagos," Steve sighed. "We think it might be Bucky."

Allie's eyes snapped up to meet Steve's. She immediately became torn on if she felt if she should go or not. On the one hand, there was a chance that if their thought was right, she could see Bucky again. On the other hand, she didn't know if she was ready.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now