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Two days and many bathroom stops later, Allie, Steve, and Bucky had finally arrived at Dugan's house. 

It was odd to them to think that this was their first, and possibly only, time visiting him in his home. The air wasn't incredibly chilly, but enough of a breeze existed that the three were wearing jackets as they walked up to the front door. Greeted by Dugan's granddaughter, they were quickly ushered into the house. They were invited to take their jackets off, but only Allie removed hers. 

"Grandpa's in his room," his granddaughter said. "I'll go let him know that you're here."

Allie's eyes roamed around the room until she noticed one particular picture that was framed and sitting on a nearby shelf. Walking over, she quickly waved both Steve and Bucky to stand next to her. In front of them was an image of all of the Commandos. The image must have been taken by Howard or a nurse, as they were all sat candidly. The three grinned at each other.

"God, when do you think this was taken?" Allie grinned at them.

"Well, Bucky doesn't have his arms around you, so maybe before you dated?" Steve grinned. "You don't have your ring in it."

"Ah, but I do have my locket," Allie grinned as she noticed the little necklace around her neck in the image. "So before we got engaged?" 

"It's from that first New Years," they heard a shaky voice come from another room. 

"You guys can come in," his granddaughter said.

The three walked over to the doorway and watched as Dugan gave them a soft smile. He was in terrible shape. Allie took a deep breath as she looked at him lying there. He simply gave a small laugh as he looked to her belly.

"Look at you," he grinned. "And I never thought I'd get to see you two be parents."

"Well, we never thought we'd see you again," Allie sighed.

"So, you two know if it's a boy or a girl?" he smiled.

"Yes," Bucky grinned.

"Does your brother know if it's a boy or a girl?" Dugan asked weakly.

"Yes, I do," Steve grinned.

"Am I going to be left in suspense?" Dugan turned to Allie and Bucky.

Looking at one another, Allie pulled the ultrasound images from her bag and walked over to Dugan. With a large smile on her face, she took a deep breath.

"It's a boy," she smiled and gently handed him the pictures.

"God, it's still crazy to think that you're having a son," Steve grinned over at Bucky. "Just make sure that he doesn't taunt his girl friends into jumping into canals."

"I have the scars to convince him not to jump into canals in the first place," Allie rolled her eyes.

"He's definitely a boy," Dugan laughed as he handed the pictures back to Allie. "Do you know his name yet?"

Allie and Bucky looked at each other and smiled softly. Names had been bounced around between the two during meals. Different names for boys, different names for girls. The only concrete name they had chosen was a first name if it had been a girl: Sarah. They'd still had ideas for a boy and had started to lean towards one particular name.

"Well, we think we know the first name," Allie grinned.

"But it's a secret," Bucky grinned as well.

"A secret you won't even tell a dying old man?" Dugan cracked his signature grin.

All it took was one look between Allie and Bucky for her to lean down and whisper the name in Dugan's ear before standing up straight once more. He nodded in approval before smiling between the two.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. Barnes *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now