Bruises and Burns

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Allie stood beside her brother inside an abandoned warehouse where they looked through broken windows to see helicopters flying around.

"Well, that went well," Allie mumbled as she held onto her locket tightly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Steve asked as he looked over at her. He frowned when he noticed the bruising forming along her neck and around her eye.

"He's alive right? So I'm fine," Allie said dismissively. She was in pain and still scared of what she had seen, but she attempted to push the fear aside.

"Hey Steve, Allie?" Sam called from where he'd been watching an unconscious Bucky.

Allie and Steve shared a look before they ran over to where Sam was standing. His metal arm locked in a vice, Bucky was stirring with a groan. He squinted as he looked up and saw the three standing across from him.

"Steve? Allie?" he asked.

Allie went to step forward, but Steve quickly grabbed her arm and kept her beside him. He didn't want her adding bruises to the collection she currently had.

"Which Bucky are we talking to?" Steve asked firmly.

Bucky furrowed his brow and tried to think of something only they would know. He looked up between Steve and Allie and took a deep breath.

"Your mom's name was Sarah," he said softly.

Allie and Steve looked at each other for a moment before Bucky's soft laugh could be heard. They looked back over at him and he had a grin on his face.

"Steve, you used to wear newspapers in your shoes to be taller than Allie," he grinned.

Allie smiled at the memory, and Steve loosened his grip on her arm. Steve smiled beside her before laughing and shaking his head.

"You can't read that in a museum," Steve smiled.

"Hold on," Sam furrowed his brow. "Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?"

Steve, Allie, and Bucky all ignored his comment. Bucky looked up at Allie who had brought her hand to her locket. He could see her ring and he nodded to it.

"We got married on November 13, 1944," he said as he didn't break eye contact.

Allie's eyes lit up as she realized that he really did remember her. Steve continued to smile, happy for Allie. Sam on the other hand had a dropped jaw.

"Married? You two are married?" he asked in shock.

"Not the time, Sam," Steve said as crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "Bucky, we need you to tell us what happened in there."

"I don't remember," Bucky said with a shake of his head. "What did I do?"

Allie looked down at her shoes as Bucky noticed the cut on her cheek. Steve still had his arms crossed as he shook his head.

"Bucky, we need you to do better than 'I don't know.' What happened with that doctor?" Steve asked. "All of these things that have happened, he did them to be alone with you."

Bucky furrowed his brow and thought about what had happened. Through a haze, he could remember the conversation that had happened and told Steve what he could. Looking at Steve and Allie, he confessed that he wasn't the only Winter Soldier. 

Steve listened as Bucky explained about the Winter Soldier program as Allie tried to keep a level head about the idea of a program like that. She wasn't exactly the biggest fan of people being used as lab rats or of organizations weaponizing people in that way. As Bucky continued to explain, Steve walked over and took Bucky's arm out of the vice.

The Avenger, The Assassin, and The Vigilante || B. Barnes *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now