࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 40 ࿏

Start from the beginning

This, unfortunately, wasn't the worst scene the officer had seen. Maybe the second at best but the first always belonged to the massacre he had to investigate just over a year ago. Sapnap had only been on the force for five months and being put on the L'Mantree High School massacre was something that haunted his dreams. It was the school he, George and Dream had all gone to together. There were more dead than he would like to admit. The men responsible were arrested and given life without the possibility of parole.

"This wasn't Wilbur but the impaling was"

"How can you tell?" Ponk asked, tilting his head slightly. He would be lying if he said he thought Sam had something to do with this.

"The cigarette butt-" he pointed to the crushed butt that lay next to the blonde's body. "-He leaves them at every crime scene he creates. I'd say it was three of them. Wilbur and two others— maybe one with a bat and the other a knife but yet-" He walked over to Moonzy and Finn's bodies. "-Those lines don't look like they were inflicted by any type of knife."

"Any clues as to who?" Goose asked as the forensics began their jobs. Sapnap shook his head, lowering his notepad slightly. The blonde nodded his head and looked at the other two partners.

Truth be told, Goose had begun to be a bit suspicious of Ponk. The man had become a lot more secretive of his life and he's usually a very open man; he wouldn't even speak about his day anymore or he'd give a blunt and short response. The blonde couldn't help his imagination but different scenarios kept running around his hyperactive head. At this point, he doesn't think he'd be that surprised if Ponk turned out to be a spy.

"I'd have to look in the database" Sapnap ran a hand through his raven hair, making sure not to mess up his bandana in the process. "Alright, I'm gonna drive back to the precinct and try identify these two. Let me know any information you find"

Ponk nodded as Goose followed his friend out of the house, the fingerprint of the unknown man already being sent to his PC back at the precinct. The two closed the doors behind them as Sapnap started the car up once again.


Goose typed at his keyboard, the familiar sound of the keys echoing in his ears. His report of the scene forming slowly on the screen in front of him, his friend was sat next to him as he looked into the identities of the two men; already finding one of Jonah Will. He had no criminal record and seemed like a perfectly normal guy so why he was murdered was beyond the cop. Sapnap's leg bounced up and down as he continued to go through files trying to find the other man.

The two had the god-awful part of telling the families of the deceased that they would no longer be seeing their children. That was always the worst part of the job, watching the families crumble and break as the officers told them the news. No matter how many times Sapnap and Goose did it; it never got easier.

"Creeper Neptune" Sapnap spoke up, the blonde officer next to him looking up from his computer and giving the older man the attention he needed. "Not much info is known on the man but he seems to be a stand-up citizen, same goes for the others so I don't get why they were targeted"

"HBomb said they found a laptop which seemed to be smashed by the same weapon used to kill Neptune so maybe they had some information they intended to hand over to the authorities and they couldn't risk it?" Goose suggested. The ravenette lit up at the idea, nodding his head at a quick pace as he thought.

"Yes. Yes- That could be it! Goose you bloody genius!"

"I try" He smirked with a wink. Sapnap chuckled at his friend and turned his attention back to his computer, looking at the four victims' records lined up next to each other.

"Makes you wonder though... what did they have that was so important?"


Words: 1,409

Have a c!Sam drawing I did

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