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(Since I am starting school, I will publish this chapter while I'm on the bus and the next chapter will come out this weekend.)

I woke up early in the morning after the night of a full moon. I had a bowl of water on the table.

Remus and Leah walked into the house. Three chairs laid next to the table and there was a blue rag in the bowl.

"Come sit", I said.

Remus and Leah looked at each other. They walked over to me and sat down. I grabbed the rag and ringed out the water.

"How long have you been awake?" Remus asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "2 minutes?" I questioned.

I clean the scar on Leah's face. Then, I cleaned the scars on Remus's face.

"Is that better?" I asked.

"Much better, sweetheart", Remus said.

"I shall cook breakfast", Leah said. She got up and got into the kitchen.

We ate the breakfast that Leah made for us. After breakfast, I went outside to continue my training. Leah and I fought with bo staffs.

After training, we went inside to have lunch. It was a peaceful day until we heard a knock at the door.

Remus and Leah looked at each other. "Irina, go upstairs", Remus said. I got up and ran upstairs.

I heard the door open when I reached my room. I left a crack when I closed my door.

"Lupin", I heard a voice downstairs. It sounded like Snape.

The adults started whispering. I couldn't hear much. I did hear someone walking up the stairs.

I ran towards my bed and grabbed my book. I was pretending I had been reading this whole time.

The door open. I looked up from my book. Hagrid was standing by the door.

"Hello Hagrid", I said.

"Why hello there", Hagrid said.

"It's alright, Hagrid. I will tell her", Remus said. Him and Leah came into the room. Leah glanced at Remus.

"I know she's young, but I think she can handle a lot more than you think", Leah said. She looked at me. "Sweetheart, we are going on a trip. And I'm not sure how long we'll be gone. Dumbledore says we need to stop a bad guy. Do you think you can help us?"

I nodded. "Are they one of the bitches?" I asked.

"Irina!" Remus shouted.

"Is that a bad word?" I asked as I thought about the last time I heard that word.

"Where did you hear that word?" Remus asked.

Leah walked out of the room. She tried to walk downstairs, but Remus grabbed her.

"In my defense, I didn't know she was a fast learner", Leah said.

Not a good defense.

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