Godfather and Goddaughter

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Many years ago

I was 5 years old and I ran into my godfather's room early in the morning.

"Remus, wake up!" I shouted.

Now, I had to try to get onto the bed. I grabbed the cover and jumped onto the bed.

"Remus, it's time to get up!" I shouted.

"Irina, what are you doing up so early. It's 8 o clock in the morning", Remus said.

"Which means it's time to get up", I said.

Remus sighed in defeat. "Alright, alright. Let's go have breakfast", he said.

I remember this day very well. This was the day I found out I was a witch.

I was too young to understand why Remus always carried a wand around or how I could make objects move without touching them. Or why he never wanted me to go into the shed next to our house.

Like any other kid, I started to believe in magic and monsters when I turned 5.

The day started like this. Remus and I were eating breakfast. I always had pancakes which were my favorite.

Since I was too young to go to Hogwarts, Remus suggested I should go to a school full of non magic children.

"Irina, I want you to be on your best behavior. And don't be afraid to talk to the other children", Remus said.

I nodded. Remus and I weren't around people that much. So I wasn't used to being around other people.

"I don't know what to say anyone. What if I speak and I say something wrong?" I asked.

"All you have to do is just be yourself. You can talk about whatever you want to the other kids", Remus said.

After breakfast and after getting ready for the day, we went to a school here in London.

We went to the kindergarten classrooms. There were a lot of people.

A woman walked over to us. "Hello. Is this Irina?" She asked, looking at me.

"Yes, this is", Remus said.

"Why don't you go inside. We just started recess", the woman said.

I walked into the classroom. I looked back at Remus. He smiled at me. "Go on. It's alright", he said.

I walked further into the classroom. It was empty. Well except for the two girls who were playing in the sand box. I walked towards the sand box.

"Hi", I said nervously. "Can I join you?" I picked up a bucket full of sand. One of the girls snatched it out of my hands.

"No", she said in a snobby tone.

The other girl sticks her tongue out at me. That made me a little angry and even more scared.

Sand flew into both girls' mouth. One of them screamed. Remus and the woman who was speaking to him in the hallway ran into the room.

"Irina", Remus said.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened", I said.

"This is outrageous. I will not tolerate this. Both of you must leave", the woman said.

"I'm so sorry", I apologized.

"Leave!" the woman shouted which made me jump.

Next thing I know, her feet left the ground. The woman screamed. So did the two girls.

"Irina, stop", Remus said.

"I can't", I said in a panic.

Remus knelt to my height. "You can make it stop. You just have to calm down", he said.

I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. I heard a thud. I looked at the woman. She had fallen to the ground.

"Freak! You're a freak!" The woman shouted as she stands up.

Tears had streamed down my face. Remus stands up and pulled out his wand.

"Obliviate", he said.

The fear disappeared on the woman and two girls face. Remus grabbed my hand and we both ran out of the classroom.

It was the worst day of my life and I thought I was in a lot of trouble. We walked out of the school before anyone could see us.

We walked towards the car that Remus had borrowed. I didn't know who it was from.

I tried to open the car door, but it was locked. I looked at Remus. "Irina", Remus said.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I don't know how I did it. Please don't be mad at me", I said.

"It's alright. I'm not mad", Remus said. "Let's get home. I'll explain everything".

We got back to the small house that we lived in. I sat on the couch, listening to the radio. Remus was in the kitchen.

He came out of the kitchen and sat next to me. He turned off the radio.

"Irina, I think it's time I tell you about the world we belong in", Remus said. I looked at him in confusion. "You're a Witch, Irina".

"But aren't Witches evil?" I asked.

"Not all of them. Most of them are exceptionally nice. Like you. And your aunt and mother", Remus said.

"Are you a witch too?" I asked.

Remus chuckled softly. "A Wizard, actually", he said.

"Like my father?" I asked.

At a young age, I knew Remus wasn't my real father. But that never effected our relationship. It didn't bother me that I never knew my real parents, but as I got older, I grew more curious about my biological parents.

"Yes, much like your father", Remus said.

"If magic is real, are mythical creatures real?" I asked.

"Yes. There are plenty that are real", Remus said.

"Are there unicorns?" I asked.

I was a 5 year old girl. Of course I would ask about unicorns. Like all 5 year old girls. (And somehow, I wasn't into unicorns when I was 5)

"Unicorns, yes. Yes, there are unicorns".

"What else are there?" I asked.

"There are trolls, goblins, giants, dragons and...werewolves", Remus said.

He believed that if I ever found out he was a werewolf, I would be afraid of him.

I may have been 5 years old, but I wasn't stupid. I could tell that pause meant something.

"Can you tell me more about our world?" I asked.

"Tomorrow perhaps. It's time for bed.
Irina, as you get older, you will learn more about the Wizarding World. For now, I think you should rest and I'll tell you more about it tomorrow", Remus said. He kissed my head.

I got up from the couch and went upstairs to my room. And since I had a bad day, I hid my whole body under the covers. But one good thing came out of that day.

I found out I was a Witch.

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