The Cabin

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We arrived at a cabin a few hours later. It felt weird being somewhere besides our house and it was going to feel weirder sleeping in a house that wasn't ours.

I looked around the place. I found my room. It only had a bed and a closet. No nightstand or a dresser.

I closed the door behind. I laid my suitcase by the wall and laid in bed. It was a long journey and I was tired.

I had a dream that night. I was walking through a hallway. There were prison cells on the side.

I stopped at one of the cells. There was a man sitting in the prison. He looked at me as if he could see me.

And then I woke up.

I heard Remus calling my name. I walked out of my room. Leah rummaged through the kitchen cabinets.

"What are you looking for?" Remus asked.

"Bunny's blood", Leah said. I gasped. Remus and Leah looked at me.

"You eat bunnies?" I asked.

"That was sarcasm. I'd never hurt a bunny. I'm looking for a raw steak. We've been traveling for hours and I'm hungry", Leah said.

"Why raw meat?" I asked.

"It's what most werewolves prefer. If Dumbledore was going to send us here, he could have been nice enough to stalk up some raw meat", Leah says.

"There are pigs in the backyard. Maybe they will suffice", Remus said.

Leah looked at him. "Good idea", she says as she walked out of the room.

"Leah, I didn't mean it", Remus said as he followed her.

I stayed in the kitchen. I looked at my surroundings. Then, I felt cold. And then, these visions, maybe memories, popped into my head as if they were my own, playing like a movie.

I heard a woman speaking as I walked towards a room. When I got into the room, her back was turned to me. I looked into the mirror next to the door and saw someone else.

A woman with curly hair. She wore a black dress and her eyes were crazy.

I closed my eyes. And when I opened them again, I was back at the cabin. Remus and Leah came back inside.

"I think the bad guys hurt someone", I said. I walked over to one of the cabinets.

"Who?" Leah asked.

"I don't know. A woman. I didn't see her face, but I think she's dead", I said. "I don't feel good. I have a horrible headache".

"I'll get you to bed", Remus said. I grabbed his hand. We both went to my room, where he tucked me into bed.

"I love you, Remus", I said.

"I love you too, Irina", Remus said. He kissed my head. "Good night".

"Good night", I said.

Remus turned off the light. He closed the door behind him, leaving me in the darkness of this unknown cabin.

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