Greyback's return

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The next chapter will be on Friday

Time passed and a year later, I forgot about what Dumbledore and Lupin said during their meeting with Snape and Fudge. But I always kept in mind that my mother was a powerful witch.

If she really did fight against Voldemort, I wanted to do good and I wanted to fight if Leah was right about Voldemort returning.

I started getting better at sword fighting.

I was still banned from using magic after the fire incident.

I was in the backyard, punching the dummy. I heard Remus calling my name. I ran inside.

"There's going to be a full moon tonight so I want you to stay out of the Shack, Irina", Remus said.

"Okay", I said. "Hey Remus? Do I have a nickname?"

"Not that I know of", Remus said.

"What should I go with?" I asked. We both sat at the table.

"That's your choice. But I may have a suggestion. What about Iris?" Remus asked. I thought to myself. It sounded perfect.

"I like that", I said.

We ate our dinner in silence. Then, I went outside to sit on the porch. I drew in my sketchbook. I drew a cat.

I heard someone walking. I looked up from my sketchbook.

Leah Greyback stood in front of me.

"Irina. You've gotten taller", Leah said.

I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her. I heard the door to the house opened. "Leah", Remus said. He joined in on the hug.

"You're back! I can't believe it! You're back!" I said with excitement. "I have so many questions and there's so much I want to tell you".

"Let's get inside. I'll tell you everything", Leah said.

My smile grew bigger. I ran inside. Remus and Leah followed behind me.

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