Chapter 36

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"I had fun tonight" Philip said as they walked out of the restaurant. The coldness hit Eloise' back from the dress she is wearing that reveals her entire back "Here" Philip wrapped his jacket around her, Eloise thanked him but she wasn't pleased at all. Philip had been a nice man but definitely not for her. He was not what she needed, the conversation was nice, everything was just nice and nothing more "So did you have fun tonight"

Eloise laughed nervously, it never gets easy turning someone down especially when they were a sweetheart like he has been throughout the entire night "I um-" she felt eyes on her, she turned to find Emma standing not a few feet away from them. She could feel her heart pound in excitement, that was the person she wanted to be on a date with and definitely not Philip, the woman who destroys her in and out "Stalking me Ms. Leon"

"Guilty charged" Emma walked closer her hands pushed into her pants, her outfit hides all of her figure but damn did she look so hot Eloise felt herself getting wet "I am indeed stalking you" Emma finished standing right in front of Eloise, she pulled off Philip's jacket handing it to the man without looking at him as she pulled off her own jacket wrapping it around Eloise who smiles shyly her face turning red, Emma leaned in and Eloise felt her heart stop thinking she was going to be kissed but instead Emma moves to her ear "Aren't you going to say goodnight to your date and.... don't forget to tell him that your girlfriend is about to eat you inside out right after here"

Emma stepped away after getting Eloise flustered she couldn't think about anything else her eyes on Emma who has created distance between them, a distance she didn't want between them at all. She turned to Philip who was holding his jacket completely confused "I'm sorry Philip, you are a great man but I am a lesbian" Eloise confessed right before jumping onto Emma crashing their lips together.

She moaned letting herself taste the woman she loves, there was nothing better than kissing Emma and as she let Emma take over her mouth she couldn't help the sounds that she produced or the fact that her panties were getting wet and wet every single second until they pulled away breathing hard "From a date with a man to kissing a lesbian, you're really not straight" Emma teased with that beautiful smirk on her beautiful lips.

"Doubted my lesbianism" Eloise asked holding Emma's chin "Maybe I should strap you and make you scream out my name and when I am done baby, when I am done-" Eloise smiled moving her nose on Emma's "-pray to God I will be done" Emma's eyes were all coated with lust that her face turned all red and hot with complete desire.

"Baby girl" she rested her head on Eloise's forehead "Do you know how wet you have just made me"

"Just wet, I thought you will be coming in your pants from those words" Emma rolled her eyes as Eloise chuckled. Emma didn't wait for anything she walked with Eloise away from the restaurant "Philip" she called over Emma's shoulder when she saw the shocked confused Philip still standing there "If my mom asks you tell her I am a lesbian and I will be spending the night at my girlfriend's house" Eloise yelled catching most people's attention who just shrugged walking away not minding her.

That is what she wants, people to not mind her or make her feelings none existent like she has been told "Your keys" Emma asked resting Eloise back down.

"You didn't come with a car"

"Tate brought me and I told him to leave" Eloise nodded handing Emma her car keys. She pulled Eloise' passenger door which made Eloise smile pecking her lips as she slide inside. Emma closed it running to the driver side before starting the car pulling out "So, should I be worried about another date"

"After thinking about it more, I think I just need to talk to my mom more and this time I think I need to get my entire family around. This is serious and it is not going to go away no matter how many dates I go on. I am a lesbian"

"Yes" Emma cheered stepping on the gear faster excited, Eloise laughed nodding indeed yes, yes to finding herself and yes to being with this woman right next to her "I can't wait to get you home"

"Don't worry when we get there, we are not getting out until we can't breath anymore"


And that was exactly what they did for the entire night and for the morning, Eloise doesn't know how this became her reality but she indeed feel in love with it so much. She smiled when she saw Emma walk in with a tray of food walking carefully not to spill "Breakfast in bed after eating me out" Eloise asked with a smile as she pulled her self up.

"What better way to give my girl some energy after eating her up" Emma replied resting the food on the portal table right on top of Eloise, she took a seat leaning in capturing their lips into a soft quick kiss "Like you didn't do the same"

"You still do it better"

"I bet to differ however...." Emma leaned in "I don't think we need sex talk after sex, that will lead us into only one play and there is no coming back from that"

"And who wanted to come back" Eloise seduced with a smile while pulling the bed sheet that was covering her naked body down showing her boobs. Emma licked her lips with her hand in her hair trying so hard to resist, they were done in the morning, her boss had called her in for some paper work, she really didn't want to be seduced again.

"I have work" Emma voiced out breathlessly, she just wish she can bail from work and just stay at home, it was a Saturday after all but with her boss, Saturday meant shit to him, if he needed you he expects you to be there

"Work? huh!" Eloise picked up a straw berry capturing it between her teeth taking a slow bite the strawberry to leak from her mouth in between her boobs 'Ah fuck' Emma cursed in her head lifting her twitching hand passing it over Eloise's chest.

"One round doesn't hurt, I still have thirty minutes" Eloise giggled when Emma pulled off the breakfast pouncing on top of her. She had managed to get her for another round and who was she kidding, one round was never a round and that was impossible "Oh my God woman you're killing me, you should just move in so that we can destroy each other every night" Emma mumbled her lips on Eloise's neck without realization of the question she had just popped, she has just asked Eloise to move in

"Are you serious?" Eloise asked pulling Emma out of her neck to stare at their eyes "Are you serious?"

"About what?" Emma asked when her phone rung before she could get an answer. She indeed didn't realize what she had asked, she took her phone putting it on her ear and her boss was not pleased, she hang up "Fuck, today I am getting fired" Emma announced jumping off of Eloise pulling on her shoes and it was great she had already finished dressing, if she hadn't she would have had to go in looking like a mess "Baby girl" Emma called moving back to Eloise "I promise to be back in just two or three hours, will I find you"

"You don't remember what you have just asked me" Eloise pouted, kind of disappointed. She had actually liked that idea of moving in with Emma, it will save her from sleeping all alone in her bed and enjoy her nights with Emma instead of listening to only her voice

"You're sad, shit what did I do" Emma asked her eyes on her watch, she doesn't have time to talk, she needs to leave now "I am so sorry baby girl, I promise to make it up to you. Just please don't leave before I come back alright, I promise to make it up and talk, I have to go Sorry" Emma pecked her forehead before running out not seeing the smile on Eloise' face.

She was sad but not anymore and now she was going to make sure Emma found her own surprise because she was serious about them moving in together and she has never been so sure of anything in her life as she is with this, after that maybe she will prepare a dinner with her family after they see how serious she was willing to go with Emma

Because she was willing to go all the way

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