Chapter 28

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Emma drove back to her house, the entire ride she didn't say anything to Eloise. She parked the car outside her apartment, she moved towards the passenger side taking Eloise out wrapping her hand around her as they walked inside the apartment complex. They walked up the stairs to the second level, Emma opened her apartment door getting in with Eloise right by her side.

She walked her to the couch before walking into the kitchen picking up a glass pouring in some water then walking back to Eloise on the couch "Thanks" Eloise sobbed wiping her tears away. Emma sat right besides her pushing a strand of hair that was falling into her face back. Eloise turned her eyes and Emma wiped away her tears with a soft smile, she pulled her into a small soft comforting kiss. Eloise Burst out in tears falling into Emma's chest who took the glass from he hands resting it down "She thinks I am not like this but I- I feel it, something in me" Eloise cried

"Then what you feel is what is right"

"What if...." Eloise pulled out sniffing "What if she is right and I was hurt by Ryan so hard I decided to be with you because I don't know, I didn't trust men anymore" Eloise shrugged on the last part, her eyes were cast down she missed the flash of hurt that passed through Emma's eyes.

"Do you hate men?" Emma asked, trying to understand that Eloise was straight before she got into her life and she shouldn't be judging, some words can make something you thought was true to seem unreal just like this one. Eloise might have felt something but since Anna pointed it out she is starting to doubt what she feels

"No, I don't think so"

"Do you feel like she is right" Emma asked once again leaning on her elbows all of her attention on Eloise.

"I don't know, she knows me"

"Better than you do" Emma asked when her phone started ringing, she pulled it out excusing herself for a second walking out of the room leaving Eloise in her thoughts, she doesn't know what to feel or what to think. She knows what she feels, she picked up the glass from the table taking a sip as she got up wiping her tears away following Emma's voice, she found her in the kitchen on the counter busy on the phone "Do you need anything?" Emma asked her hand on the speaker, Eloise shook her head no. Emma nodded continuing to speak through the phone.

Eloise took Emma in fully, she is a woman but just the sight of her she gets her aroused. The way she speaks, her lips just make her want to kiss her for ever and ever, when she touched her boobs she liked it maybe if she touched her down she will not like it. Eloise bit her lip hard the idea turning her on the thought of being between Emma's legs, that will definitely tell her how she feels, if she is doesn't like it then maybe she isn't into this as she thinks she is. She has been terrified to do it ever since Emma did it to her and it felt do good, she didn't know if she might be able to make it feel great for her

Eloise made her way to Emma as she pulled her hair into a puff. She reached Emma who is still on the phone attentive as she would sometimes hum, Emma pecked Eloise's lips giving her a small smile that Eloise didn't reply as she pulled Emma into her "Are you okay?" Emma whispered hand on the speaker, Eloise nodded her knee connecting with Emma's folds through her pants "Shit" Emma cursed out loud through the phone "I'm so sorry sir, I dropped a cup" Emma lied giving Eloise a confused smile.

Eloise didn't bother, she pulled Emma's shirt open and the buttons flew down. She was surprised of her own action she glanced up at Emma to find her smiling with shock and hunger in her eyes "Um, sir I can't come back to work" Emma mumbled with a smile so turned on by Eloise's actions "I have to visit a doctor, I'm not feeling well" Eloise took both of Emma's boobs into her hands and Emma almost cursed out loud as she bit her lip hard to not make a sound but when Eloise pushed her sports bra up and flicked her finger on her nipple Emma almost moaned as she breathed through the phone.

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