Chapter 6

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Eloise stopped in her tracks giving the person that she was seeing at her door glares. She wasn't expecting him at her apartment after what he did, what does he have to say after lying to her for nearly four years, all of that time wasted "Let me hope you are not here to see me" Eloise made her presence known getting closer to Ryan, her face showing the anger she feels inside, Ryan doesn't deserve human decency after what he did "Did you find yourself a new mistress in this same building?"


"Don't" Eloise warned with her hand up, she is not his babe anymore 'She never was' but still she doesn't need to hear Ryan calling her babe as if she is the only person she calls that, god knows he has a million mistresses out there "What do you want?"

"I want us to talk" Ryan said pleadingly, his chocolate brown eyes looking sad like he regrets what he did "You don't deserve what I did and I regret ever lying to you but I love you Eloise, you are the woman of my dreams-" Eloise raised her eyebrows with a look that asked 'Do you think I am stupid?' she did everything in her power to not jump on Ryan as she put in her key opening up her door because she couldn't deal with Ryan. He is married, did he forget that he made a vow to his wife now he is here mumbling about Eloise being the woman of his dream, he should leave and tell that to his wife who gives a Fuck.

Eloise stopped caring the day she found out Ryan was married. Ryan took her hand not allowing her to get in "Let go Ryan or I am going to call your wife and make sure she finds out what you did"

"I asked her for a divorce"

"So? Do I look like I care about what you do with your fuckin life. Divorced or not I don't give a Fuck, I only care when you try to contact me, try to convince my mom how great you are or come at my apartment like now but I don't give a Fuck about what you do with your life" Eloise said trying to show Ryan that she doesn't care. When she was around, Ryan was lying to her, now she isn't and the last thing she would want to hear about is Ryan's life

"But I love you" Ryan held the door when Eloise tried banging it in his face "I am divorcing her for you, babe I want us to get back together, you are the one I want to marry" Eloise used to dream about that, a life with Ryan, marriage with Ryan, everything with Ryan. Now that she knows that Ryan is married all those words just made their way to one ear then into another, she doesn't care about how Ryan feels and she definitely doesn't care why he is divorcing his wife. That is for Ryan to care about, whatever reason that is, she doesn't want to know.

"Babe I-" Eloise banged the door close into Ryan's face, she doesn't want to listen any longer. What is Ryan capable of saying that could make him worth of her time when he had already wasted so much time, there is no apology of 'I love you's' in the world that could ever make Eloise get back with Ryan divorced or not.

Eloise is hurt that she was a mistress but now think about the wife who doesn't know how much of a cheater her husband is, good thing they were divorcing, the woman needed to be saved from Ryan's cheating ass. Eloise isn't going to jump into this dating thing, she will give herself time and make sure she doesn't get a lying bastard, good men are hard to find but she will try. The last thing she needs is to be someone else's fling, she is not in that level, she needs marriage, love, children.

She sighed taking off her coat walking into the kitchen, she left work in the need of tea and rest but now after encountering two of the most stressful people in her life, she needs a drink and that is what she did, she got a bottle of wine, made her way back in the living room taking a seat. She poured a glass of wine taking a well needed sip with her eyes on the television, she feels like she needs to move from this apartment, it had a lot of Ryan's memories.

The days they used to spend together in bed on weekends, when she used to make him breakfast, sit and watch romance movies together like the most perfect couple. Everyone being jealous of there love because they were perfect, perfect for each other, they fit like a puzzle. They understood each other, Eloise trusted Ryan with her life that even the business trips didn't bother her that much, she thought Ryan treasured his job and that is why he couldn't be with her.

She understood that because she treasures her job too. All that love, those memories turned into lies, total lies making all the memories complete bullshit. She might have thrown out everything that belonged to Ryan but this apartment reminds her of Ryan everyday. Eloise wiped away her tears, Ryan wasn't worthy crying over, he was just a liar and a user who isn't worth it, he isn't worth Eloise's thoughts. If she keeps on crying and thinking of the good times together she will lose a lot more time than before, she just needs to move and get rid of the memories once and for all.

She sat in her chair sipping on her wine softly a lot of thoughts swimming in her head. She doesn't remember falling a sleep but she woke up with her neck cramped up, she pulled out her phone to see the time and it was seven in the morning, she found seven missed calls from Emma. Eloise sighed putting her phone back down and with a yawn she made her way into the bathroom, she took a shower, brushed her teeth before getting out and into the kitchen making herself some coffee. She finished having breakfast, picked out an outfit and after picking up everything she needed, she made her way out of her apartment and into her car.

She felt cramped up for sleeping on the couch for a full night but other than that she feels better and fresh, it might be the coffee. She parked walking out of the car and into the hospital greeting other residents on her way to the locker rooms changing out her clothes. She walked out finding Drake making his way into his office "Morning" Drake greeted walking past her

"Morning, you look bad did something happen?" Eloise asked noticing Drake not looking that good this early in the morning.

"No big deal, I will see you at lunch" Drake just walked past her and into his office leaving Eloise confused, she sighed letting that be, continuing to the board praying this day goes by without drama

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