Chapter 26

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Eloise hummed in her sleep and as she tried to turn around she felt something slick connect with her folds. She moaned her eyes snapping open to find Emma between her legs a place she was in for an entire night "Emma" Eloise whined, her body is still arching, she doesn't think she can take another round after the night she had.

Emma moved up attaching their lips together making Eloise hot once again. Eloise whined in the kiss hating yet loving the way Emma makes her feel "Want me to stop baby girl?" Emma asked with a smile her finger flicking Eloise' already hard buds making her moan "Okay I will stop"

"Don't stop" Eloise begged pulling Emma down, she was already hot she doesn't care how much she came or how she feels, she needs Emma once again. Emma hummed breaking the kiss moving down licking Emma's neck as she traveled down to Eloise's bud wrapping her naughty lips around it with her tongue flickering the hard bud making Eloise nipples to swell harder her pussy so wet her juices pouring out from her throbbing pussy.

Emma moved to the other nipple flicking it with a groan. After last night she didn't get enough, she still wants to taste Eloise. She kissed the train that leads to her well shaven pussy and when she reached the throbbing area, Emma flicked her finger causing Eloise to writhe throwing her head back in the pillows. Emma's tongue wondered all over Eloise's folds, making long firm strokes up and down. Eloise moaned and shivered holding Emma's hair.

Eloise almost jumped out of her skin when she felt herself being penetrated by Emma's fingers. Emma moaned flicking her tongue on Eloise clit as she started searching for Eloise's spot, she pushed her fingers up. Eloise gasped her eyes getting wide her mouth open but not producing a sound. Her face so erotic, so sexy that Emma hit her spot harder with each thrust of her fingers that were deep inside her.

"Fuck....harder" Emma increased her pace hitting that spot as hard as she could with her lips wrapped around Eloise sucking hard. Eloise' felt her muscles Knott as she felt her climax ready to hit her. She moaned her legs trembled, her hips buckling up and down. She wants those fingers deeper and she wants that tongue on her, she was a quivering mess, drove crazy from pleasure that when her orgasm hit her it was strong, stronger than anything as she exploded screaming with Emma's hand moving faster, her mouth sucky harder driving her through her intense orgasm "Oh my God, oh my god" Eloise breathed hard writhing on the bed unable to focus whilst trying to catch her breath getting down from her high.

Hands pulled her head to look up through her blurry eyes, Emma wiped away the tears from her eyes and sweat "Good morning baby girl" Emma greeted with a wide smile "Can you hear me?" Emma asked with a chuckle seeing Eloise's eyes rolling like she can't focus. Emma pecked her lips softly as she rubbed her temple softly, that seemed to bring Eloise back "How are you feeling?"

"Good" Eloise breathed out her eyes now set on Emma as she smiled.

"Just good, not great or fantastic" Emma teased with a show of her dripping hand. Eloise laughed lightly slapping her now feeling better than she has ever felt in her life smiling at Emma. She likes the way Emma always knows how to make her smile through everything, she once again didn't make this morning awkward, she made it seem like nothing serious took place, like this wasn't their first time having sex and that is what Eloise likes the most, the way she always knows how to ease the situation not allowing her to think so hard about everything "We should go take a shower, I'm hungry"

Emma stood up holding her hand out for Eloise who felt like she would rather stay in bed and not move no matter how sticky she felt. She raised her hands up lazily, Emma pulled her up onto her feet leading them into the bathroom where they both washed each other's bodies acting like teenagers singing in the shower with shower heads in hand acting like microphones. Eloise laughed as Emma moved around dancing like no one was watching so freely, pulling Eloise into the dance too moving along side each other and in there Eloise got a chance to hold Emma's boobs.

The feeling was beyond her, last night she was terrified, she didn't know what to do she did her best not to touch Emma but in the shower touching her boobs made her feel like she would have done that earlier. So soft, so tender she didn't want to let go, she was fascinated by Emma's boobs in ways that drove her insane, she wanted to touch Emma more but she stopped her saying they had to have breakfast before they spend an entire day having sex once again.

Eloise nodded and after showering she wore some of Emma's clothes since she brought date night clothes. This time the trousers were big but they made her ass come out nicely, she tied the shirt like she once did before they walked out with Emma wearing big trousers, a big shirt that was tucked in to the side. Her hair falling down both sides of her face with a cape and black boots. Eloise felt like she was walking with a model on her hand, she took Emma's cape resting it onto her own head "It looks way cuter on you" Emma had complimented as she fixed Eloise's hair back nicely holding her hand getting to the restaurant where they ordered their breakfast.

After breakfast they had decided to take a walk around the town with no destination or anything just a stroll with their drinks in hand sipping on them once in a while as they conversed about nothing yet everything. They just never ran out of things to say like they have known each other their entire lives, Emma being cocky again something that Eloise loves yet again hated that she would find herself rolling her eyes at the things that Emma says sometimes "We need to make ground rules" Emma suddenly said as she stopped walking "I need attention, no ignoring me like you are so good at doing"

Eloise rolled her eyes continuing to walk, Emma jogged catching up with her "I'm serious, this needy girl needs attention"

"What if I am busy?"

"I am busy too but I always find time"

"Maybe I didn't find time because we were nothing to each other back then"

"Wait" Emma stood in front of Eloise with a smirk on her lips "Are you saying we are something to each other now"

"Who said that" Emma laughed as Eloise passed her with a red face, she just blabbered the words out without knowing. She didn't feel Emma behind her and when she turned Emma was not around "Emma" Eloise called walking back "Emma!" She was starting to get worried, she turned and she almost collided into Emma who was standing behind her with a smirk her hands behind her back "Jesus, you scared me"

Emma didn't say anything as she pulled out her hand that had a pink flower "I saw this over there" She said her voice sounding serious "Will you be my girlfriend?" Eloise's face turned red from shock that she didn't know what to say or even think, she knows she forgot how a brain worked "What? You don't want to date this-" Emma gestured to her body "-I know I want to date THAT" Eloise's face turned red as a smile wanted to creep up on her lips feeling so giddy and the fact that Emma made this a simple decision ever made her smile that she jumped onto her crashing their lips together not caring that they were in a public place, this girl just made her so happy

She kissed her so hard but with so much passion "Yes" she breathed out so breathless, she wants to date THAT indeed and she wasn't going to let it slip, it amazed her how she hasn't thought of her changing sexuality at all. Emma makes it feel like she has nothing to worry about or think about that she doesn't want to think of it at all.

"I think this stroll is marked as over because all I want to do is eat you inside out"

"What's stopping you?" Eloise whispered back.

"That fact that we are not in our room" Emma groaned letting Eloise get down, taking her hand as she started strutting back to the hotel sometimes jogging like she was on time, Eloise smiled biting her lip feeling so excited with a feeling she has never felt in her life ever before. From a married boyfriend to a girlfriend.

Who knew she would have a girlfriend

Seduction (wlw)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora