Chapter 8

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"Hi doctor" One of my interns Rey greeted making me stop to look at him "I wanted to say thank you"

"For what?" Eloise asked, she doesn't remember doing anything that Rey needs to be thank full for.

"Teaching us, teaching me"

"That is a part of my job, there is no need to thank me" They always get assigned to new interns, there is nothing for Rey to be thankful about, it is her job to teach them and get them ready "I will see you later"

"Will go out with me" Rey blunted out before Eloise could leave making her stop, she turned around staring at Rey, a six foot two young man, with bright blue eyes, dirty blond hair, strong jaw with broad shoulders and behind the uniform seems to be very perfect abs but Eloise can't go out with him, he is her intern, that will be taken as her favouring him in everything, secondly, he is only twenty two too young for Eloise. Thirdly he is not her type, Eloise could go on, on why he can't date him but those seem like the most important reasons for Eloise to refuse this date like the fact that she wants to be single.

"No" Eloise said firmly "You are my intern, it can't happen but thank you" Eloise walked away not giving him another chance to say anything else, she won't be changing her mind. Her phone buzzed and she pulled it out to find a message from Anna saying that she won't be able to make it tomorrow on the apartment search with her. Eloise is still set on searching for a new apartment and she had asked for Anna's help but she has just canceled on her.

She didn't want to search for the house a lone but it looks like that is exactly what she will be doing on a Saturday. Eloise asked Anna if she will be able to make it on Sunday, she really didn't want to do the search alone. She will need another person's opinion on things, she waited for Anna's replying praying she can make it "You blocked me" The voice on Eloise's ear scared her to the core that she jumped letting go of her phone terrified for her life "Oops" Emma said catching Eloise's phone mid-air before it could hit the ground.

"Jesus" Eloise was so scared, she can't feel her legs yet "What the fuck?" Eloise was now angry "You can't just sneak up on me like that" She snatched her phone back from Emma's hands still trying to get her heart to calm down.

"What a foul mouth doctor?" Emma said not caring about what Eloise said or the fact that she isn't wanted here "What if someone heard that"

"Like I care, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I would go away after blocking me did you" Emma asked in a duh tone getting closer to Eloise leaving a tiny room between them "How have you been baby girl?"

"I was doing better but now that YOU are here how do you think I feel?"

"Wonderful, excited that the light of your world has finally shown up" Emma said in a teasing tone with her amused smirk that showed so little of her teeth, Eloise folded her hands over her chest giving Emma a look that said 'Really' Emma smiled "You look cute when you're angry"

"This is why I blocked you, couldn't you read between the lines. If someone blocks you it means they don't want to talk to you, take a hint"

"I took one baby girl but it didn't say that" Emma got closer "It said you are not an easy one to get so I had-"

"Maybe that should have told you that I am straight" Eloise said frustrated "Will you stop getting close, what if someone sees us like that and suspect something" Eloise doesn't want to give people ideas and with the way Emma is dressed, it screams lesbian a mile away so being seen with her could cause questions Eloise had no answers to, the questions she was trying to avoid when she blocked her.

"We can go somewhere private"

"Private? Why can't you leave me the fuck alone"  Eloise almost screamed when a nurse passed by and she had to act like she was scratching her head "Leave" She turned to leave but was pulled back by Emma putting their bodies together.

"When is your shift done?" Eloise was fighting to get out of her arms while looking around to see if anyone can spot them, she doesn't need rumors flying around about her turning lesbian, that would be embarrassing.

"Let me go, someone might see us" Eloise warned trying to shrug out of her hold.

"When does your shift end?"

"In one hour why? Just let me go"

"Meet me in the parking lot" Eloise scoffed, she wants to stay away from her why would she dare meet her in the parking lot, she isn't insane enough to do that "I will kiss you if you don't" Eloise held her lips when she heard that, she doesn't want to be kissed by a lesbian again against her will. Emma laughed looking at her reaction "So what do you say, do you want me to kiss you" Eloise shook her head no still not taking her hands from her lips, what if Emma steals a kiss from her, there was no way she is risking something like that "Meet me in the parking lot then"

Emma let go when Eloise nodded "Fuck you" Eloise fired back turning around to leave.

"I am always available baby girl" Eloise grunted stomping her feet walking away from the pervert in anger, she heard Emma laughing behind her but she didn't dare look back, now she has gotten a lesbian stalker at her work place 'Will this day get any worse?' Eloise asked herself, she thought that lesbian stalker shit had stopped when she blocked her but now she is here, how the hell did she know where she worked, maybe it was true and she was stalking Eloise 'This is bad, so bad'

Maybe she should tell the authorities about this, they might ask if she is dangerous. Was Emma dangerous 'No' was she stalking Eloise 'Yes' was she sexually harassing her 'Hell yeah' Eloise knows she needs to report this, this can't go on any longer. Eloise knows she needed to end this but first, she needs to escape from her and let her wait outside for as long as she wants, that will be so funny, watching Emma in the parking lot waiting for her when she had already escaped, now Eloise couldn't wait to see Emma's face when she escapes.

She thinks she is smart, Eloise will be smarter than her. Eloise smiled getting back to work and for an hour she was busy, she was ready to sign out and retire for the night waiting for her escape when an emergency was brought in, she took her mind off of Emma focusing on saving a life, the surgery went on for hours and when she was done it was around ten at night. All she needed was to get home and take a hot shower, have dinner and go to sleep. she walked out with her bag.

She didn't get a chance to get to her car when she spotted Emma. Eloise noticed that Emma hadn't yet spotted her so she sneaked around cars so that she can be able to get to her car without being spotted by Emma. She doesn't know why she is doing this but in some kind of way she knows that walking up to Emma and telling her to leave her alone will not work, Emma is the kind of person to not be able to take hints. Eloise thought she had already left, after five hours in the surgery room how come she is around when she had told her she will be leaving in an hour.

"Baby girl, are you trying to run" Eloise looked back to find Emma standing by her which is two cars away from Eloise's. Eloise wondered why their cars are like two cars away from each other 'Did she plan this?' Of course she has to have planned this but Eloise wasn't backing out, Emma was still far away that Eloise ran to her car, jumped in before backing out of the parking lot before Emma could register what was happening.

Eloise sighed in relief having escaped that 'It was hard to escape that lesbian' but Eloise had done it, now she needs a permanent way to get rid of Emma so that she can be free from her once and for all, for now running will do

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