just some headcanons

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-Nat doesn't always love too much affection at night (hugging, spooning, snuggling) because it makes her feel claustrophobic. But she does enjoy the comfort of knowing you're lying there beside her and not going to abandon her. So she makes you hold her hand whilst you both sleep as a compromise.

-As much as Nat loves calling you cute pet names like baby and princess, she absolutely adores the smile on your face when she calls you less serious names like dork and dumbass.

-Nat doesn't really like being called pet names herself. But she LOVES it when you call her variations of her name like Tasha, Tashie and Talia. She thinks it's cute.

-Nat hums to herself a lot.

-You pretend you don't hear it, but Nat sings in the shower a lot too. Usually Adele or Hozier. You think her voice is beautiful but would never tell her in fear she would stop singing and then you wouldn't be able to hear her voice anymore.

-Nat always makes her first coffee of the day exactly how you like them. She knows that you'll refuse her offer to make you one when you wake up but then you'll probably drink most of hers anyway. She wants you to enjoy it. She'll then let you have the whole mug and goes to make a second coffee the way she likes it.

-Out of stubbornness, Nat refuses to accept any gift you offer her. Hoodies, coffee, jewellery. But when she finally accepts it (after you making her take it) she protects it with her life. Also, once she takes a hoodie, you'll never get it back. It's hers now.

-You both respect each other's love languages. Nat's is words of affirmation, she loves making others feel loved through words and feels validated when people return the favour. So, every morning you both make sure to tell each other how much you mean to each other.
Yours (well mine) is physical contact. All you want to do is cuddle to make both you and Nat feel safe. So, Nat always makes sure to cuddle you when you need it, and never turns you down when you need to hug her for whatever reason.

-Neither of you are particularly a fan of PDA. You'd much rather save those intimate or affectionate moments for yourselves. However occasionally, after a long day of being with the team, you have to find subtle ways to show affection to each other because both of you start to feel a bit deprived. Most of those moments consist of knee bumps, leaning on each other, linking pinkie fingers and if it's been a really long day - holding hands.

-Nat tends to repress her emotions. Only when she started dating you did she start to express them. Even then, she would only trust you enough to see them, no one else. Due to her repressing them for so long, she didn't quite know how to express them. When she's sad or scared, she can get quite angry. And when she's angry, she gets stressed. It was up to you to teach her that it was okay to feel these things, and eventually with your help she learnt how to cope with them.

-Nat gets childish when she's tired. You will ask her again and again, "Are you tired?" and she'll deny it every time. Even if she's falling asleep on your shoulder. You'll often carry her up to bed and tuck her in beside you because she's fallen asleep on the sofa.

-Sometimes, she pretends to be asleep just so you do this because she secretly adores in

-You know she's pretending more often that not. But Nat doesn't need to know that. It's worth the tiny, sleepy smile that forms on her face when you carry her up to bed.

-At team movie nights, Nat will learn what movie is playing ahead of time (by threatening the team because it's always supposed to be a surprise). If it's one she knows you won't like for whatever reason, she'll ask you to join her on a movie 'date' night with just her in her room so you don't have to watch the other one. She'll always put on a film she knows you love instead.

-She's a protective girlfriend. Not in the sense of jealousy (although she can get jealous) but in the sense of NOTHING will ever harm you and NO ONE will lay a hand on you. Sometimes she's a bit over protective, and will end up literally obliterating a spider in your room to save you, but you love it so you don't complain.

-Nat talks in her sleep. Sometimes it's because of a nightmare, but more often that not it's just random stuff that makes no sense. Like "Get out of here, angry little man!" or "Stark, I swear I will steal your peanut butter and you'll never have coffee again." It makes you laugh. A lot.

-Nat is the only person who knows your triggers and how to help calm you down after a panic attack, flashback or a meltdown.

-Shes also the only person who can sense when you're about to have a panic attack, flashback or meltdown. Most of the time, she can stop it before it starts by using the coping mechanisms you taught each other. If she can't stop it, she will sit with you until it subsides.

-You are also the only person who can do this for her. You know all her triggers, how to stop her spiralling and you can guide her through it.

A/N: Hey. I've been struggling to write lately because I've been busy and tired. But here's some Nat headcanons which I thought of recently.

Chapter eight of Ring of Fire is being written now, but I can't promise when it will be out. Just know it hopefully won't be too long.

Another one shot is also being written which I hope to publish for you soon.

Bear with me!

If there's any of these headcanons which you think I could develop into a one shot then let me know your ideas and I can try and do that for you.

Stay safe x

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