text conversations

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Tasha <3
Morning :) Gone to grab coffee, I'll be back soon. Love you xo

Morning :) Could you get me the double choc mocha please and thank you. Love you too xo

Tasha <3
Already ordered. I know you well dumbass.

I guess so. Don't be too late - the bed is cold without you :(((

Tasha <3
I'll be as quick as I can, my love xo

Drive safe <3

Tasha <3
Always <3

Hey. Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we weren't avengers?

Tasha <3
Why are you texting me? You're sat on the same sofa as me.

Yeah but everyone else is here. I don't wanna talk to you with them here. That's how I started wondering about life as normal people without this extended adopted family aka "the avengers".

Tasha <3
You're such a dork. Yes I do wonder.

Should we run away? Live life like normal people? Go somewhere we can have an actual private conversation?

Tasha <3
Dude. Just come to my room later if you want to talk to me alone.

I was already planning on it. But seriously can we run away. Just for a few days. A vacation. Just us. I wanna know what it's like.

Tasha <3
Know what what's like?

Being a normal couple.

Tasha <3
Let's do it. I wanna know what it's like too. You're my normal though, you know that right?

What do you mean?

Tasha <3
Well, I always feel like I'm in a normal couple with you because you're the only thing in my life that's been constant. I can't explain it over text.

We really should just go upstairs for this conversation, not like we're paying attention to the movie anyway.

Tasha <3
Yeah. Probably should have thought of that before I started trying to pour my heart and soul out on text. Come on :)


Tasha <3
Landed safely. Will text you whenever I can. Service is absolute dogshite out here. Love you :)

Tash, you're in a Hydra Base in the middle of fucking nowhere of course the service is shit. Stay safe. Please. Love you more.

Tasha <3
Love you most xo

7 hours later

You okay?


Please just send me something so I know you're ok.

Don't die on me Nat. I can't lose you.


Tasha <3
Not dead. Relax.

Okay cool. Just checking :)

Tasha <3
Stop worrying, my love. I'll be home before you know it.

3 hours later

natasha romanoff one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now