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This is a bunch of little one shots where the reader has adhd. I am in the midst of getting tested for adhd and i am aware that everyone presents differently and has different ways of coping so apologies as i'm only just learning about all this stuff. This is based on how i cope and react with it so yeah, enjoy.

• I forced everyone to watch a movie with me. I was currently obsessed with Mamma Mia so we were sat on the sofas watching it as a team. Only problem was I lost focus about half way through but couldn't leave because I was the one who made everyone watch it in the first place. I slowly slid down the sofa, groaning in boredom. The ceiling was more appealing than a movie right now so I stared up at it, willing the movie to go faster so I could get up and go for a walk. Unfortunately that's not how time worked. I didn't even have my phone on me. Ugh. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and bring me up to a sitting position and before I knew it I was sat in someone's lap. That someone was Natasha. She didn't say a word, she just tapped her hair and signalled for me to start braiding it. It gave me something to do. I was grateful.

• "Oh, and then I went to the supermarket and I saw this guy I recognised but I don't remember where from, and he sorta smiled at me and when he did that he reminded me of Steve. Steve has a sweet smile. Has anyone else noticed that? Anyway, what I was trying to say was when I went to the supermarket..."
I looked up and noticed that nearly everyone had zoned out. I noticed the glazed look in their eyes where they're pretending they're paying attention but in reality they're not. I learnt to recognise that look a long time ago. I sighed.
"You went to the supermarket and? Go on, Y/N, I'm listening." Natasha smiled at me, nodding at me to continue my story. I beamed that she cared enough to listen through my side stories before I got to the actual plot.
"Well, I went to the supermarket and..."

• I smacked my head against the table repeatedly. Too. Much. Noise. Why did people not understand that when they talk I cannot focus on my damn paperwork? I start writing the words they're saying instead of the words I'm supposed to write and suddenly my internal monologue won't shut up. It made me want to pull out my hair and scream at them to shut up. Instead I just glared hoping they'd get the hint. Obviously they didn't. But then everything went silent as Natasha shoved a pair of noise cancelling headphones over my head before placing a light kiss on my forehead and shoving a thumbs up in my face. I returned the thumbs up with a smile and mouthed 'thank you'. How did she always know what I needed when I needed it?

• Journeys on the Quinjet were the worst. I needed to stim somehow because the overstimulation in my brain made me feel like a wire that's about to short circuit and blow a fuse. But in the jet I didn't have many options. My legs bounced and I picked the skin around my nails or bit my nails until they bled. It was the only thing I could think of. Natasha sat next to me, placing her hands around mine and pulling them away from my mouth to stop me biting them. Then she handed my a pen and told me to doodle on her hands. I doodled flowers across her palms and mushrooms along her knuckles. Eventually the pen ran out of ink and there was no space left on her hands. So, instead she let me fiddle with her hands - twisting my fingers around hers and holding them in mine, it was calming. I bought her hand up to my mouth and kissed her knuckles and then placed a light kiss to her lips.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you more." She replied.

• I bounced of the walls with energy. I literally couldn't sit still. I showed Natasha my dance moves and I was still bored. I baked Natasha cookies and I was still bored. Every other activity she suggested just seemed boring. I was exhausted but I could not sit still no matter how hard I tried.
"You wanna go on a walk?" Natasha suggested.
"Noooo." I replied, exasperated.
"You wanna watch a movie." She asked patiently, not bothered by my reactions as she was used to them.
"Whatcha wanna watch?"
"Nothing. I don't wanna watch a movie."
"You wanna make out?" She asked with a smirk
"Noooo. Wait. Yes. Yes I do." I giggled.
"Come on then."
I wasn't bored anymore. That's for sure.

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