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Okay so i'm gonna be completely honest - i had an idea, tried it and wasn't completely happy with the outcome mainly because i don't know how to write stuff like this. but it's better than nothing at the end of the day. So please enjoy.

Silence blanketed the compound. But don't be tricked - it wasn't a peaceful silence. It wasn't the kind of silence you'd expect. This silence was fuelled with anger. The air was charged with such passion and tension you could almost see the electricity running its circuit in the air.

Only two people resided in the compound on this night. You and Natasha. All the other avengers were on a mission and had been for a while so you and Nat had been enjoying each other's company. Well, you'd been enjoying it up to around 4 hours ago when you'd had a full blown screaming match of an argument. It was an argument with hot tears, cold sweat and lot of accusations thrown into the air. Accusations that neither of you meant. Maybe you'd been spending too much time alone together.


"I wonder how they're doing." Nat mumbled.

"What about how I'm doing?" You retorted, fed up of feeling second best.

"This isn't about you, Y/N." she replied impatiently.

"Yeah. Nothing ever is at the minute."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She was getting fed up now. Angry even.

"You always talk about them Natasha. Am I not enough for you?" You shouted. Hurt clouding your vision.

"Because they are on a dangerous mission y/n, I'm worried for our friends." Her volume matching your own.

"You don't think I'm worried too? You don't think I sit here and worry about them too?
All I'm saying is it would be nice if you acknowledged that I'm here too. That I have feelings too."

"No, I don't think you're worried. You're being selfish and you know it!" Natasha's voice was rising further now.

"I'm being selfish? I'm being selfish! You've not so much considered how I've been feeling recently. I'm supposed to be your girlfriend and in the past week you haven't once asked how I'm feeling about this!"

"Because there are more important issues to deal with y/n!"

"Oh. Oh so I'm not important now. This is what I mean, you don't give a shit about me! God I wish you went on that mission too. At least then I'd have a break from your whining." It fell out your mouth you could stop yourself.

"No. No now you're being childish. Fuck this I'm not dealing with your petty behaviour right now. At least I care about my friends and not just about getting attention. Get your stuff out of my room and fuck off." Her voice had lowered to a level volume rather than a shout.

"Nat, I-."

"No. You've said enough. I didn't wanna be near you anyway - I'd much rather be on that mission too. At least then I'd be near people I actually liked."

You were stunned into silence. You said things you'd regretted and you knew that you hurt Nat but hearing her say she didn't like you was a kick in the teeth. You didn't mean what you said, you just wanted comfort from her and you felt as though her attention was always elsewhere. And that comment felt like her kicking you when you were already down.

End Flashback

The night was cold. A chill hung in the air which directly contrasted the heat of the fight. A storm was coming. The thick clouds rolled across the sky concealing the moon and stars. They weren't fluffy like the clouds you liked. They were dark; they were angry; they had no mercy.

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