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"Popcorn. Movie. Hairbrush. Is that everything we need?" Nat asked as she walked into my room and placed everything down on the bed.

"I got the hair bands." I replied, showing the band around my wrist by wiggling it in her face.

The giggle that escaped her lips was blissful music to my ears, I was just glad I could make her happy. I couldn't help but stare at her as she stood there, the sunset streaming through the window casting a pink glow on the room. She looked amazing in every lighting, but in this lighting she looked nothing short of ethereal.

"Quit staring and sit down." Nat demanded lightheartedly, a smile dimpling her rosy cheeks.

This was our routine, every free evening we had Natasha would braid my hair (because I unfortunately was terrible at doing hair) and watch a movie. Today's movie of choice: Bridget Jones' Diary. A classic if there ever was one.

Nat sat with her back against the headboard, her legs straddled so I could situate myself in a crisscrossed sitting position in front of her. Once the movie was playing, she brushed my hairbrush through my freshly washed and blow dried hair, separated the soft strands into three at the top of head.

As she began the dutch braid, I couldn't help but lean into her touch. The way she lightly massaged my scalp as she moved down the plait, the way her fingers would tickle my face as she hooked new strands into it, the way her hands moved with such efficiency and elegancy. Natasha had been plaiting her own hair for as long as she can remember and braiding mine for months.

I sort of got distracted by her touch and forgot she needed space to braid my hair. I leant back so far she had to push my back up again as I was quite literally lying on her. Clearly not a helpful position for her to braid.

"I love you, and I absolutely want cuddles, but princess - I can't cuddle you when I'm halfway done with your hair." I could almost feel the smirk in her words not that I was complaining. So, I sat back upright, and urged her to hurry up because I did want cuddles as soon as possible.

The second she finished off the braid by tying in with one of the hair bands on my wrist, I flopped backwards to rest my head on Nat's stomach and look in her eyes. She just gazed back into mine with those emerald eyes I love more than anything in the world. She twirled my baby hairs around her finger briefly before lifting me up underneath my shoulders and bringing me into an upright position, and then pulled me backwards with her hands around my waist. From here, I leant my head back on her shoulder and we continued to watch the movie - stealing the odd kiss every chance we got.

We must have dozed off because we were startled awake by Steve's voice echoing around the room.

"Earth to Natasha Romanoff. You have a last minute mission tonight, get ready."

There was still sleep in my eyes, I couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. But Natasha was immediately alert as she always was when duty calls.

"How long?" Nat asked, moving me off her lap to rest me gently in the bed. The whole thing was sort of muffled in that way it always is when you first wake up. Through my half open eyes I could see Nat packing a bag, and I saw one of my hoodies go in with the rest of her clothes - softie I thought to myself.

"Unsure. Maybe 3-4 weeks max." Steve replied, keeping his voice down as to not disturb me.

Upon learning how long the mission could be, Natasha glanced at me in the bed with a sorrowful look in her eyes - she'd only ever left me for a maximum of a week since we started dating and she was unsure how I'd react. My eyes were fully open now as reality kicked in. Nat would be gone for 3 weeks maybe even 4. Despite my desperate attempts to hold them back, tears threatened to betray me as they pricked my eyes.

"Steve, I'll be there, just... just give me a moment." Nat requested, walking towards me. Steve obliged and shut the door behind him.

"Hey. Hey, angel, you're gonna be okay." She lifted my body into a warm embrace, rubbing my back as the tears silently fell.

"What if you're not okay, though?" I tried to keep my voice steady as I told Nat my worries.

"I'm here now, aren't I? I'll make it back again, don't you worry." Nat pulled back to look in my eyes, and the determination in hers made me believe her.

"Stay safe, Tasha, and make sure you wear that hoodie of mine you packed. Don't forget about me."

"I could never forget about my girl. Go back to sleep, you're gonna need it." Once I was laying back again, she placed a series of delicate kisses on my face - one on my forehead, nose, both cheeks and a final, meaningful one on my lips.

And with that she was out the door. I wouldn't see her for nearly a month. I kept that braid in my hair as long as possible...

A/N: I have set this up ready for a part 2. It was supposed to be one part originally but it was getting long and decided it would be best to split it into separate parts. That's why it sort of seems unfinished. I don't want to keep you waiting on the next part as it should flow as one so expect that soon.

Also - I saw Black Widow yesterday. Quite simply AMAZING!!!!

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