braids pt. 2

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I kept that braid in my hair as long as possible. But by the end of week one, it was slicked back with grease and sweat from training all week, half of the strands weren't even in the braid anymore and it was in desperate need of a wash. The rest of the team had made it clear that if I didn't shower properly and take that braid out, they would banish me from movie nights for the rest of the time Natasha was away. And well, movie nights were the only thing helping me cope with Natasha being away.

Reluctantly, I pulled out the hair tie and unraveled the strands from the braid and gave it a deep clean with Nat's apple shampoo and conditioner so I could be reminded of her by the smell. It wasn't the same as the dutch braid though.

I know it sounds stupid but it felt wrong to have my hair down. I never had it down anymore. It was always in a plait that Nat had done for me. And now that it was clean, dry and down, I felt wrong. Only issue is, I cannot braid hair at all. It would have to stay down.

That night when I tucked myself into bed, hugging the pillow which still smelt of Nat, I couldn't sleep at all. So, I rolled out of bed and grabbed my laptop from the desk at the end of the room and clicked onto youtube.

How to dutch braid hair. Search. Click. Watch.

I spent the entire night learning how to plait my own hair so that it was out of my face and I felt comfortable. Three strands, twist outside to middle underneath the other strand. They were messy, but better than nothing.

The second week I practiced getting it neater, so it was almost as precise and perfect as the way Nat did it. Not quite, but almost. Once I had mastered that, I learnt how to do two braids. And occasionally I practiced french braids.

The third week I practiced on Wanda. And Pepper. And Thor. Anyone who would let me braid their hair I braided it. By the end of the week I even had Loki, who was bought down briefly by Thor, walking around with two dutch braids in his hair. I wanted to impress Natasha with my skills and it was only one week until she returned.

Week number four. I had survived a month without Nat. How? Braids. It was the day she was due to return. I waited. And waited. But she still didn't show. My anxiety peaked when Clint was rushed out without warning. Knowing that Clint is Nat's old mentor and best friend - it couldn't be good.

Roughly 7 hours later Clint returned in the Quinjet, Natasha rolled in on a stretcher beside him. I tried to run to her but Tony held me back, so I just screamed and punched his arms until I succumbed to the sadness and collapsed into him. Tasha was hurt. And I couldn't do anything about it.

Week: 5. She hadn't woken up yet. Extensive injuries, particularly to the arm and head. Head was healing nicely according to Bruce but that didn't explain why she hadn't woken up.

"Her mind needs time to rest, Y/N." He kept saying.

To which I just scoffed. Anger was my main emotion at this point. It lead to stress braiding my hair to the point where strands were beginning to fall out. But to keep my hands occupied I would plait, then undo, plait, undo.

This went on until week number 6. My hair was now out of a braid. I couldn't face putting it in a braid. I wanted Natasha's not my own. Hers were better. I clasped her hand tight in mine as I rested my forehead against her legs. I was too numb to cry anymore. My hair was splayed out across my eyes so I couldn't see much.

I felt her hand squeeze mine. Or was I imagining things? No. There it was again. Her thumb caressed my knuckles and then her hand let go of mine to brush the hair out of my eyes. There they were, those emerald eyes and that soft smirk and her gorgeous rosy cheeks.

"What do you need? Water? Food? Medicine?" I immediately rushed to her service wanting to make her as comfortable as possible.

"Cuddles?" She replied, her voice raspy after not speaking for 2 weeks.

"Water. Drink up. Then hugs." I responded, as much as I wanted to cuddle her I needed her to stay safe and healthy at this time.

She took a large gulp of the water and cleared her throat before opening her arms wide for me to cuddle into. One of her arms with in a thick bandage and cast but I didn't care, her hugs were still as warm and safe. I tightened my grip around her stomach and smiled into her embrace. With her not-injured hand she ran her fingers through my loose waves.

"I don't know if I'll be able to braid your hair for a while." Nat whispered apologetically.

"That's okay bubs."

"Are you sure? I know how much it means to you and-."

"Tasha... you have a broken arm, it's okay that you can't braid it," I interrupted, "Besides I have something to show you."

"Oh yeah?" Nat sounded intrigued, "What's that then angel?"

"Are you able to sit forward a bit so I can squeeze in behind you?" I asked, not wanting to push her into an uncomfortable position.

It took a couple of attempts, a lot of wincing in pain and a lot of swearing but we got the eventually. Nat was determined to let me show her what I'd learnt.

I raked my hand through her hair, splitting it into three strands and beginning the dutch braid. I did it fluidly, slowly massaging her scalp as I did and being gentle seeing as she probably had a pounding headache. I tied it with a hair band and placed my arms around Natasha's shoulders, pulling her backwards into an embrace.

"I couldn't sleep without your braids so I learnt to do them myself," I smiled, drawing small circles on her stomach from my position behind her, "I can do them on your hair til your hand is fixed, if you'd like?

"Thank you. I would love that." Nat leant back onto my shoulder and placed a kiss on my neck.

"No more missions for a while, okay bubs? I can't lose my Tasha." I was serious now, voice laced with concern.

"No more missions for a while. I love you Y/N." Nat replied, snuggling in closer to my body.

"I love you too Natasha."

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