Chapter 14: Yes, I Promise

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While Klaus was cleaning up the mess he made after making three figurines, he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door to see who it was. Who could it be...? Is it Jesper...? He thought before opening the door. When he opened the door, it was not Jesper, but he also wasn't disappointed when he saw who it was. 

"Hello, Mr. Klaus!" Márgu greeted in English. 

"Hey~" Klaus said as he hugged her to greet her. "What are you doing here?"

"I drew this for you!" Márgu said is Saami. It was a drawing of Klaus and Jesper on a sleigh, delivering presents for children on Christmas. "Miss Alva said it was pretty!" Márgu also went to school to get a proper education. 

"Ho ho, is this for me?" Klaus asked. "Let's see... oh, it's me and Jesper on the sleigh, delivering presents on Christmas, isn't it?"

"That's right! I drew one more for Jesper too!" Márgu replied in Saami. 

"I see, you drew one for Jesper also," Klaus said. He understood more Saami these days. 

"So, did you tell Jesper you love him?" Márgu asked in Saami. 

"If I understood what you were saying," Klaus said. "I have told Jesper about my feelings. We feel the same way about each other."

"Yay! See? I told you he loves you," Márgu said in Saami. She was talking about the different love, of course. 

"I hope you'll understand what's going on between me and Jesper," Klaus said as he caressed her head.

"I have to give this drawing to Jesper now," Márgu said in Saami as she hugged Klaus' arm. "Bye-bye, Klaus!" She said that in English, got on her boat-sled, and slid away from Klaus' cabin. 

"Maybe I should make one for Márgu," Klaus said as he went back inside to his workshop, placed the drawing where he kept the figurines and the book, and started to carve the wood to shape it. As he was carving it, he took one glance at the Jesper and Klaus figurine and Márgu's drawing. I wish I can have a daughter with him... Klaus thought as he continued to carve the wood. Then he chuckled out of embarrassment. What am I thinking...?


While Jesper was dusting his room, he heard a knock on the door. Hm? Who must that be? Jesper thought as he walked towards the door. Is it Klaus? Jesper thought the moment before he opened the door. When he opened the door, it was not Klaus, but he was also not disappointed to see who it was. "Hey~ kiddo!" Jesper greeted as Márgu went up to hug him.

"Hello, uncle Jesper~" Márgu greeted. 

"Oh, am I your uncle now?" Jesper chuckled. "How honored I am!" 

"I drew this for you!" Márgu said in Saami as she showed Jesper the same drawing she showed Klaus earlier. "Miss Alva said that I was good!"

"Oh, wow, this is a really nice drawing!" Jesper complimented her. "Alva really can teach almost any subject, don't you think?"

"It's for you!" Márgu said as she pushed the drawing towards Jesper's chest.

"Wow, you're giving this to me?" Jesper asked. "Thank you so much! I know exactly where to put this!"

"I already gave one to Mr. Klaus," Márgu said in Saami. 

"Did Klaus already get one too?" Jesper asked.

"Yes! You understood me!" Márgu said in Saami.

"I should learn your language so that I can communicate with you better," Jesper chuckled. "I wonder if Alva is willing to teach a grown up."

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