Chapter 10: I Shouldn't...

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Klaus does not remember when he fell asleep, but when he woke up, it was morning. "Hm?" Klaus was confused as Lydia did not appear in his dream. I wonder why I didn't get to see Lydia tonight. I should ask whenever I meet her again in my dream. Klaus thought as he climbed out of his bed. 

Jesper was still asleep when Klaus woke up. When he walked towards the bed, he watched Jesper fast asleep. He looks nothing like her, Klaus thought. But I wonder why he reminds me of Lydia so much. When Klaus noticed a strand of hair stuck on Jesper's nose that was about to reach his mouth, he slowly and carefully reached for it to get rid of it for him. Due to the thickness of his hand, his finger touched his nose gently. 

"Mm?" Jesper groaned as his eyes opened a little bit. Klaus gasped silently as he did not mean to wake him up. "Good morning, Klaus," Jesper said as he noticed Klaus standing next to him.

"Good morning, Jesper," Klaus replied. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Well, it is time for me to wake up anyways," Jesper replied as he slowly rose his upper body. "Wanna grab breakfast with me before I head to work?"

"I don't think I have anything to eat at the moment," Klaus confessed. "I should go get some more ingredients after delivering the packages."

"Why don't we go down the bakery before I open the post office today?" Jesper suggested. "A bread and coffee sound really nice right now."

"Let's do it," Klaus smiled. "Since we have transportation, we can take it easy now."

"Once again, thank you for that, Klaus," Jesper thanked as he smiled warmly. 

After Jesper and Klaus dressed up, they hopped on the new coach and headed down to the village. When they arrived at the bakery owned by an Ellingboe, Jesper ordered a croissant and a cup of coffee and Klaus ordered a bagel and a bottle of milk. They chewed on their breakfast silently in an empty marketplace. "I guess it is a little too early," Jesper broke the silent atmosphere as he looked around while chewing his croissant. 

"I guess people still sleep through the morning," Klaus answered. "I remember when I used to sleep longer in the mornings, but I can't seem to do that anymore."

"Age?" Jesper teased.

"I guess so," Klaus answered as he swallowed the last bite of his bagel. "See, when you become older, you start to sleep less."

"I'm just used to waking up this early," Jesper said. "When I was in the academy for the postmen, I had to wake up early to train, which I never took seriously and failed miserably on purpose."

"Do you ever regret it?" Klaus asked.

"Well, like I said, I didn't have a specific dream besides being a spoiled rich kid," Jesper answered. "I believe that's why my dad forced me into being a postman. I originally thought that he wanted to keep the family tradition, but I'm starting to wonder, if I ever had a real dream, then I think my dad would have actually supported me. If not, then I might have found another way to escape and pursue my dream."

"That's quite insightful," Klaus said as he swallowed the last bit of his milk. 

"But now, I really love being a postman," Jesper answered. "I know I keep saying this, but I never knew I would love being a postman. More than of all, I love being a postman in Smeerensburg. If I ever had to take over my dad's place, I would like to move the headquarter to Smeerensburg if the time comes."

"I think that would also help with out Christmas plans," Klaus chuckled.  

"Hey, you're right!" Jesper snickered before finishing his coffee. "Well, I'm done with my breakfast now. If you want to go back to your cabin, would you like to take the coach with you? You can always come back with it at 5." Jesper asked as he stood up. Klaus nodded as he stood up right after him. "Well then, I'll see you at 5."

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