Chapter 12: I Was Wondering...

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Klaus couldn't believe he kissed Jesper twice on the same day. What was I thinking...? Klaus thought as he thought about the kisses. He placed his fingers on his lips as he remembered the sensation. Does that mean... we're lovers now? Klaus thought as he wrapped himself up in the blanket. Our feelings for each other are the same, and we confirmed that already. So, I think he'll accept us being lovers! Klaus was excited by the thoughts of it, but he started to become worried about being in a new relationship. I wonder how that will work... I've been married once, he has not... our age difference is quite large... even if we do become lovers... wouldn't there be a problem? The concern filled Klaus' head. Maybe I should talk to Lydia about it when she appears in my dream once again... Klaus closed his eyes to fall asleep. 


I wonder how it was possible... for me to fall in love with someone like Klaus... Jesper thought as he rolled around the bed. I mean, he did save my life twice after all... he is always so kind to me, he treats me well, he is also very warm if you'd ask me... Jesper blushed. 

Jesper couldn't sleep with the whole idea of being in a relationship with Klaus filled inside his head. "What am I supposed to do, huh?" He asked himself as he fixed himself some nice cup of tea. "Start something with the old woodsman? Having romantic moments with him?" He sipped in a cup of tea. "I wonder... I wonder how my dad will feel about this..." Jesper said to himself. He held his cup of tea and turned around to look out the window. "How do you feel about this, mom? After all, I think you would always understand me and take my side, just like what any other mothers would be. I don't know if dad will approve, but Klaus, he's making me really happy. Much happier than my rich life back home. I can't imagine my life without him anymore. Plus, if he wasn't there for me, I would probably be with you by now." He took a last sip of his tea. "Mom, what am I supposed to do...?" He stared out the window until he fell asleep on the kitchen table.


Klaus met Lydia once again in his dream. "You know, Lydia," Klaus said. "It's almost as you were reborn as Jesper. He has your charm, your sweetness, your comfort, and your positivity."

"Does he remind you of me that much?" Lydia asked with a happy smile across her face. 

Klaus cleared his throat and said, "I'm sorry if I sound like I like him too much."

"I support it even more because of the reason," Lydia said. "I was never aware of my actions and personality, so I didn't know my own. But if you say that his actions and personalities are similar to mine, then I believe you."

"I'm still flattered you are supporting me to be with him," Klaus said.

"Like I mentioned, I don't want you to be lonely for the rest of your life after I left you," Lydia said. "Also, I don't want me to hold you back to starting loving again. Jesper, he really is a charming young man. It seems like he's making you very happy. I may have been your wife when I was alive, but I don't have anything against him. In fact, I'm very thankful for him. You were always unhappy after I died, making birdhouses for me with a blank expression across your face. But when he came entered your life, I've seen you smile. I thought I was never going to see that. But when he made you laugh, I realized, Jesper is an important person in your life. I think he's filling my place great. He might even be better than me."

"Lydia, I love him a lot, but don't compare yourself to him," Klaus said as he placed his hand on her arm. "Neither of you are better than the other. I don't want you to belittle yourself, my love."

"Of course, I know that, but my point is," Lydia continued as she smiled at Klaus. "I don't want you to worry about my feelings when you're in a relationship with Jesper, because the more you worry about me, you're going to be missing out on your own happiness when you're with him." 

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