Chapter 3: Yes... It Sure Is...

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Klaus found Jesper's coach and rode it to deliver the rest of the packages that Jesper couldn't deliver. Klaus even went into the post office to mark off the packages that were delivered. "Hey, Jes!" Mogens popped in as it was the usual time when Jesper finished delivering the packages, but instead, he saw Klaus in the post office. "Oh, what are you doing here?"

"Jesper was in an accident, so I delivered the packages for him," Klaus explained. 

"So, where is he?" Mogens asked.

"At my place," Klaus replied without looking back at Mogens. 

"Can you tell him to come back here? I gotta tell him something important!" Mogens said.

"Just say it to me, and I'll deliver the message to him," Klaus said. 

"Oh no, no, he needs to come here," Mogens insisted. 

"Listen," Klaus approached him, which intimidated Mogens a little bit. "Jesper does not have time, and he is definitely not in a mood to take your jokes and insults. Stay away from him for the rest of the day."

Mogens just nodded as he glanced up at Klaus, intimidated by his height and size. 

"Good," Klaus walked away from Mogens after scaring him enough. 

As Klaus carried himself away in Jesper's coach, Mogens said to himself, "Whoo, geez, I've never been more scared in my life! It's like he's Jes' bodyguard or something!" 

While Klaus was going back to his house, he noticed a different trotting than the reindeers. Klaus grunted as he pulled the rope to make the reindeers stop moving for a while. He definitely heard the other trotting sound. Klaus hopped out of the coach to see where it was coming from. In the distance, a horse was trotting joyfully towards the coach, carrying something in its mouth. Klaus was confused why the horse was galloping towards it. 

When the horse reached Klaus, it dropped something that it was carrying on its mouth in front of Klaus and then trotted away. It was a brown bag. Klaus picked it up to open it to see what it was. "Hmm... some sort of powder..." Klaus said as he looked inside to see what it was. When he put his finger in it, it felt like dry yet smooth sand. None of them got stuck on his finger. Even though he did not know what it was, Klaus still decided to keep it. He firmly tied it so that the unknown powder did not fall or spill and hopped back on the coach to go back to his house. 


I wonder what's taking Klaus so long to come back, Jesper thought to himself as he looked at the fire and his dry clothes. I guess my clothes are dry now, Jesper thought. He quickly dressed himself before Klaus arrived. His clothes felt way warmer than ever before. Now that the towels were wet, he hung them near the fire. It also seemed like the fire was dying out a little bit, so Jesper carefully added one more firewood in the fireplace. 

Jesper sat back on the chair and watched the flames dance in waves. After shivering all day, being full of the porridge, being warm by the tea and fire, and the sensations of making him feel like home made him feel very drowsy. He fell asleep before he knew. 

Klaus entered his house without opening the door. Hmm... gotta fix this door later on, Klaus thought. He placed the pouch of unknown powder and went to go check up on Jesper, who was sleeping on the chair. "Hey, Jesper, sorry I was late, I had to deal with Mogens and..." he noticed that Jesper was fast asleep on the chair. I should probably put him on my bed, Klaus thought as he carried him. As he walked towards the bed, Jesper leaned closer into him again, just like when he brought him out of the water. Klaus looked down at him to check if he was awake. It seemed Jesper was still sleeping, but for a moment, he saw Lydia in his arms instead of Jesper. 

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