Chapter 17: You Promised

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The morning arrived as the early rays of sunshine shined upon Klaus and Jesper. Klaus' eyes began to slowly open. "Hm?" Klaus said as he woke up with Jesper in his arms. It's so nice to see this beautiful face after waking up in the morning... Klaus gently kissed Jesper's forehead and watched him until Jesper woke up. Look at him sleeping... Klaus thought with a proud smile. He's so adorable. I can't believe he's my lover...

A few moments later, Jesper slowly opened his eyes. "Hm...?" Jesper said as he woke up. 

"Good morning, my love," Klaus greeted brightly and gave him a good-morning kiss. "Mmm!" Klaus moaned as he pressed his lips on Jesper's. 

"Heh, good morning," Jesper greeted. 

"I don't remember the last time I was happy to wake up in the morning," Klaus chuckled as he caressed Jesper's face. 

"I guess it's time to start our day," Jesper said as he stood up from the bed. 

"You're not going anywhere!" Klaus said playfully as he wrapped his body around Jesper. "I just want to hold you like this..."

"Klaus..." Jesper said. "I have to go to work," Jesper said that he needed to go to work, but he did not make any effort to push him away. 

"You can be a little late, can't you? Hm?" Klaus seductively said. He sounded very tempting. Jesper peeked over at him. "Can this face lose?" Klaus asked. 

"All right, you win," Jesper said. 

Klaus chuckled and pulled him into the bed so that they can spend a bit more 'quality' time together. 


Several moments later, Jesper got dressed before he headed out. "All right, Klaus," Jesper said as he buttoned his shirt. "Before you touch any of the woods today, I want you to wash your clothes. After I get back from work, I'll help you clean some wood shavings afterward."

"Do I have to wash my clothes?" Klaus asked.

"Yes, please," Jesper said. 

"Don't you like me shirtless?" Klaus asked. 

"If you want to freeze to death, be my guest," Jesper said mischievously. 

"Ouch," Klaus said. 

"All right, I'm headed to work," Jesper said as he opened the door to head out until Klaus grabbed his arm. "Klaus~ I have to go~" Jesper said in his singsong voice. 

"I won't let you go until you kiss me," Klaus made a deal. Jesper wrapped his arms around Klaus and pressed his lips gently against his. 

"Seriously, will you let me go now?" Jesper asked as he caressed the back of his head. "I promise I'll come back today to help you after work."

"You promised," Klaus said.

"Yes, I promise," Jesper said. 

"Well, see you then," Klaus said. Before Jesper exited Klaus' vision, he blew him a kiss. 

Klaus waved at him until he was out of his vision. Klaus went back inside, closed the door, and rubbed himself to brush off the coldness that got stuck on him while he was outside. "Jesper is right, I should wash my clothes," Klaus said to himself as he grabbed his clothes, filled the bucket with water, and started washing the clothes. While he waited for the clothes to dry off by the fire, he covered himself with a blanket for the rest of the day after fixing himself a warm pot of tea. He sat down on the armchair in front of the fireplace and behind the laundries. "Hopefully, they dry off quickly," Klaus said to himself as he sipped a cup of tea. 

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