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I entered the library and went to the librarian.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" the old librarian said sweetly.

"I need to find a book about the Akatsuki, please."

The librarian seemed pleasantly surprised. "Okay, come this way." I followed her to the back of the library and when I observed the surroundings, it feels like no one has step foot in the part of the library for ages.

"I'll leave you to yourself then,"

I didn't bother replying cause a big book in the middle of the room is glowing. The book must've weight a ton, considering its size. I felt a pull towards it almost as if it's coaxing me to open the book. I opened the book, amazed at how well preserved it is, considering how old the book looked.

I opened the table of contents to find the chapter about the Akatsuki. Once I found the chapter and page number, which is 445. When I flipped it to the number 444, the pages of the chapter were missing, the page after 444 is 464. Which is weird, I checked for any signs of ripping but all I saw was a perfectly intact book with no writings or damages on it.

"There must be magic on this book," I wondered out loud. There must be a spell about making pages appearing in the book. I need to ask Tsunade about this. In the meantime, I'll look up some spells on my Magic Spells for dummies book.

I lift my hand up and said a spell, teleporting the book to my room. I'm getting better at this! Once the book disappeared, I stood up and left the library.

When I arrived at the dorm entrance, a couple of girls were gossiping, talking loudly when they passed by me.

One of the girls said, "You know, the great warlock is going to visit us next week! And I heard that he's going to choose one of us to train with him for the winter break," The pink-haired girl with an uneven haircut snorted, "I'm sure it'll be me! I'm like the best witch there is in this school,"

The first girl said, "Dream on Karin." Then she flipped her perfectly styled hair.

When they finally noticed me, "Oh look, it's the noob witch who doesn't know anything," They all laughed and giggled pointing at me as if I'm some smelly trash. I rolled my eyes while ignoring them, they gave me dirty looks and walked away, strutting like there's no tomorrow.

Tsk, don't walk like your butt's all that.

Arriving at my door, someone called me, "Hey, Ino!" I turned around to see a brunette girl with buns on her head, when she finally caught up to me she playfully slapped my back.

"Hey, Tenten," I playfully slapped her back. Tenten's my partner in PE class, the best one in the whole school, in fact, cause girl, she can make anything into weapons, even paper. She's a samurai so I guess that's where she got her talent of making anything into weapons. Lucky for me, our grades are averaged, so even if I suck at the weapon, which I do, wielding class we're taking in PE, I could still pass. YEAH ME!.

"Did you hear about the Akatsuki attack?"

"Yeah, everyone's like talking about it," I rolled my eyes, I don't know what the big deal is with the Akatsuki, cause you know we have supernatural powers and they don't... But then again there are the Traitors, so yeah. I don't know what to feel about that.

Tenten looked at me, worried, "You have to be careful,"

I stared at her, "Why? It's not like I'm a powerful witch or something, I'm the new kid, remember?" I laughed it off, but I've been having this feeling like someone has been watching me since the day I arrived here, but I usually brushed it off since it might be one of the ghost students here.

Tenten placed her hand on my shoulder, "Just be careful okay? Don't let anyone fool you, don't trust anyone," The tone she used when she said that sent chills in my body.

Why do I get the feeling that what she's saying is true?


After Tenten and I talked, I went straight to bed. I was not in the mood to be studying my ass off for the upcoming finals and practical tests with all the Akatsuki gossips going on around here.

As I lay there in my bed, with my blanket up to my chin, I realized that ever since I came to this school, my life has been turned upside down. Not that I only realized it now, but before it just felt surreal to think that I'm actually a naturally born witch? I would've thought the people here are crazy and needs to go to a mental hospital. But now, reality finally caught up to me and slapped me in the face: I am a real witch and I take secret witch lessons from the headmistress herself.

I shook my head and concentrated on trying to sleep, not that it would work but who knows? Sometimes life just surprises you.

After a lot of turning and giving out frustrated sighs, I finally fell asleep. Only I don't feel like I fell asleep, it feels like my body is knocked out but my mind is still awake waiting for something to happen. When I opened my eyes, well not literally like my eyes inside my mind? There's this bright white flash and I was momentarily blinded, but I rubbed my eyes a few times to get my vision working again, I was standing in an... abandoned warehouse?

Where the hell am I? I looked around feeling lost. Even though this is supposed to be a dream, well at least I know it's a dream, it feels very real, almost as if I'm really here.

"I finally get to meet you after all these years, Ino."

I jumped at the voice coming from behind me because I didn't hear any footsteps and its creepy that a person would walk so quietly in a quiet place like this; I turned around to see a very familiar middle-aged guy, maybe in mid-forties or something, with really long blond hair that's tied up, staring at me. He grinned slightly, making the wrinkles beside his eyes crinkle slightly, he said, "Already forgotten me?"

"Who are you?"

The guy seemed taken aback, but he recovered almost immediately as if he's been expecting me to say those very words but wasn't prepared for it. "Well for starters, I'm your dad,"


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