Coffee with me

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warning: offensive language

His arrogant tone made my anger come back to me, "Then if you only 'drink from the most beautiful witches', then let go of me, I don't want your germs on any part of my body, even if it's on my clothes" when I go back to my dorm, I will definitely burn this t-shirt. Too bad, it's my favorite one.

I looked around the gym to find it empty. I started feeling annoyed; I can't believe Sakura left me! Now I have to deal with this guy alone.

I felt him losing his grip on my arm and said, "Tsk, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go have coffee with me," Then he let go of my arms completely and stepped back.

I looked at him shocked, yesterday he was acting as if he was better than anybody else and I'm pretty sure he hated me with the way he talks to me. To him, I'm basically the dirt under his shoe.

Sasuke crossed his arms and smirked at me, "You should be very privileged that I am asking someone like you out,"

I glared at him and said, "Well, you should be privileged that someone like me is turning you down, cause I'm pretty sure you don't want a trash like me to destroy your godly image right?" I made sure to make my voice was as cold and venomous as I could, I mean it's not every day that you can talk to a vampire like that, right? Might as well make the most out of it.

"So you don't want to go out with me?"

"I'd rather go out with an animal's poop than go out with you,"

"Do you want me to change into animal poop? If so, then which animal's?"

Seriously, doesn't he get the point? I don't want to go out with this stuck-up jerk that probably waxes his legs since it's so hairless, and that makes him gay. Which is probably why he's asking me to go out with him, to save face that he's not gay! A-HA. Got your weakness, asshole.

"You're gay aren't you?"

What the hell, why did I say that out loud? Oh well, he does look kind of gay; I mean what guy has smooth and acne-free skin like this ass? And is that mascara I see on his lashes?

Even if Sasuke's really pale, I was surprised to see some red tinge on the base of his neck. He's getting angry now, interesting...

"Take that back," The playful tone Sasuke was using a while ago is gone. Is it just me or did it suddenly become colder in the gym?

"No way, you've been annoying me for ten minutes now, I –"

Sasuke suddenly growled, and his head bowed down. Uh-oh, did I really piss him off to the point that he wouldn't be able to control himself? Wow, I'm so fucking awesome! But my inner celebration got cut off when Sasuke pinned both of my arms above my head and held my wrist with one of his hands. In one second, all of my confidence sipped out of my body replaced with fear. Now, I'm really sure that Sasuke's going to feed off of me. Thinking about it makes me want to gag.

"Do you get sensitive when people call you gay?"

What the fuck, Ino? Just shut the hell up, shut up, and don't say anything else. I'm making the situation worse. Look, all I wanted to do is make him go away, ignore me so I can be on my way to Tsunade's office. I guess I'm never going to make it there will I?

Sasuke looked directly into my eyes and my jaw dropped, his eyes turned blood red and the comas are spinning in his iris. He leaned closer, our noses almost brushing.

"I'm going to enjoy this,"

He opened his mouth out wide, fangs out, and went straight for my neck.

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