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 I am Yamanaka Ino and I am currently living my dream of being the princess in my high school. Until I was suddenly transferred to a boarding school.

My life officially sucks. I can't believe my mom's making me go to a fucking boarding school! Boarding schools are for boring people, how can I, the most popular party-girl of Haruki High be in a BOARDING SCHOOL? Seriously. I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my-

"Ino! Come down and get in the car!" I heard my mom shout from the kitchen. "We're going to be late." Ugh, today is supposed to be my first day of moving to the stupid boarding school, but not on my watch.

I plan to run away and never come back again. Period. I would be staying at my best friend's house though... she was the only one who supported my plan. Sigh, I love her so much.

I smirked at my reflection in the mirror and am currently wearing a black tank top with black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket; I paired it off with leather combat boots. I ran my hand through my hair and braided it. "You can do this, Ino. You've done this a lot of times so you aren't supposed to feel nervous," I murmured to myself to calm my racing heart. Satisfied with my look and now normal beating heart, I got my gym bag and ran to the window.

I looked down and saw that the ground is not that high, maybe about 4-5 feet? I can do that. I am pretty confident that this plan would not fail me. I climbed up the windowsill, carefully balancing my weight to not lose balance. I smirked and counted "1, 2, 3!" and jumped out of the window.

I landed gracefully, but I shrieked a little. hopefully, mom wouldn't notice. I looked around my surroundings and when I was sure that no one was around I opened the metals gate in my backyard, which leads to the main gate of our compound, and ran towards it.
Only I didn't make it.

"What do you think you're doing, Yamanaka Ino?" Uh-oh. Without turning around I know that my mom is probably glaring the You-Are-Grounded-For-Life-Young-Lady glare. You do not want to mess with an angry Yamanaka. "Are you planning on running away again?" I turned around and saw her standing there with her arms crossed, and judging from the look-glare my mom is giving me; I knew that I am in big trouble. Damn. And I was so close.


I reluctantly got in the car without changing my clothes and waited for my mom to load the trunk.

When she finally started the car, I knew that I would have to sit through a lecture. And what's worse was that I have no escapes!

But I was surprised when she didn't talk. And we were silent all the way to the school.

The boarding school's not that far away, just a few thousand miles away... Who am I kidding; I'm practically out of nowhere! I rested my cheek on the car window and looked outside. I have no idea where we're going but I recalled my mom saying that it's in Konoha. Staying in Konoha actually made the boarding school idea more bearable.

I felt sleepy, probably because I slept late last night to plan my plan. I finally closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me, "One more minute," I moaned, but the shaking wouldn't stop, so I popped my eyes open staring at my mom's face. I quickly sat up straight and looked around. I realized that this is the boarding school I'm supposed to attend named Konoha Spring Academy. Fancy.

I noticed that the buildings are very modern and it looks like they came out from a magazine! And God, the gate looked like it's made out of silver or something. Not expecting that. Hmm, this place might not be bad after all. I smiled to myself and stood up.

I stretched my body to relieve the soreness of my muscle with sitting in the car for so long.

I walked to the back of the car and got my luggage. I turned to face my mom, "So, this is goodbye, huh?" My mom looked at me sadly, "Yeah, have fun baby. Just call me if you have problems,"

I let go of my luggage and moved forward to hug my mom. Even if we had some ups and downs, she's still my mom and I love her. After a few minutes, we broke away from each other. "Your other things will come tomorrow morning, just get it in the main office," I nodded, as my mom walked back to the car. She gave me one last look and got in the car.

I walked inside the school through the 'oh great silver gate', and saw the students. Most were talking amongst themselves, and they practically ignored me seeing as I'm the only transfer student in the middle of the year, I should've gotten their attention, but I didn't Or so I thought.

As I walked in deeper into the school, I noticed some of the girls were giving me glares. I was taken aback, I mean I didn't even step inside the school for like 5 minutes, and there came the death glares.

What the hell are their problems? I looked down at my clothes and see if I had any weird stuff on them or something. Seeing nothing wrong with my outfit, I ignored them as I passed by and noticed that all the students here are loaded!

Then it hit me.

They were all looking down at me! Another girl passed talking to her other friend and they were carrying Prada and Gucci bags. How old were they to have such expensive stuff as their school bag? And have you seen their heels? They're probably 10 inches or something! Okay, I'm exaggerating but you get the point.

In my old school, you cant even wear 2-inch heels. Now I know why those girls were giving me the eye, they must've thought that I was some poor street girl. Yeah, that makes sense.

I sighed and walked forward trying to find the main building since there are so many buildings here and no one's bothering to help the poor lost new student. Ugh, sucky rich snobs.

After what seemed like hours, I finally found the building.

I walked through the automatic doors and saw that there was a really hot clerk on the reception table doing something on the computer. He looks my age, maybe older. And the blaring red messy hair he has is making him even hotter. I smiled, I could get used to this.

I think he knows that he wasn't alone, so he finally looked up from his computer and waved me in, "Welcome to KSA, are you the new transfer student?"

I just stared. He has the most amazing warm brown eyes I have ever seen, and the voice. It's the kind of voice that would make any person's knees go weak.

Then I heard someone chuckle and cleared his throat. I snapped back to reality and turned to see a guy with raven black hair, pale skin, and a really hot face smirking at me. And I do not like the way he was looking at me.

"What?" I asked, my face reddening, a hot guy just caught me staring into another hot guy.

Then the guy with black hair snickered again. I was not expecting that. "You looked stupid when you were staring at Sasori like you want to bang him or something,"

I can feel my face getting redder, "I was not staring and I do not 'bang' people I don't know," I practically low-key yelled at him while putting air quotes on the word bang.

He laughed, loudly this time, good thing we were the only people here, or they would've thought he was crazy.

"You clearly were, like a horny girl and I bet that you don't know anything about spells and magic." Then he laughed again.

This is guy is getting on my nerves, how dare he call me a slut. "I am not-" Wait. Did he just say spells and magic?

He must've stopped laughing because he saw my expression, which is a mixture of confusion and shock. He just stared at me and after a few moments, the hot guy-Sasori-vanished out of thin air.

My jaw hit the ground, "How did.. What happened? How did you do that?"

He smirked at me and walked closer to me, "Hmm, interesting. You'll find out soon enough,"

Then he walked out of the room.

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