Black Box

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It's the hot raven-haired guy I met a while ago in the office!

"Are you just going to stand there?" He gave me a look of disdain like he was disgusted that he's talking to me. Then I remembered that this guy made fun of me in the office.

I glared back and said, "Well you could've just said excuse me,"

"Whatever," and with that, he just walked past me.

UGH, I don't even know the guy yet and I'm already irritated by the way he acts!

Suddenly there were screams coming from the girls, "Sasuke! You're here!" or "Come seat with me, Sasuke-Kun," and all those stuff.

I knew it. I sighed and looked for an empty seat in the room.

I spotted one beside a pink-haired girl that seems to be sleeping since her head is bowed down. Well, she looks friendly enough to be approachable, since all the other girls are busy glaring at me or making moves on that Sasuke brat. Walking over there seems like forever. Cause the girls are giving me looks and tried to trip me several times, but too bad I have a good sense of reflex. Take that bitches! Ino – 1, bitches – 0.

As I walk nearer the seat, an indigo-haired girl popped out of nowhere and took the empty seat!

What. The. Hell.

The indigo-haired girl, who finally realized something was wrong, looked at me. I stared back, and my eyes widen because seriously she has one of the most beautiful purple eyes I've ever seen, it's like she doesn't have any pupils. Her skin is white, but not too pale like a ghost, it's just the perfect white like a peach, it matches her hair perfectly. Her lips are as red as an apple, and I'm pretty sure she didn't put on any lipstick, now that I think about it I don't think she wore any makeup! It feels like she's a girl from a different world. She looks just like any faerie that authors describe them to be.

The girl smiled at me and said, "Oh, is this supposed to be your seat?"

I snapped out of my daze and quickly said, "Oh, no! It's okay, I'll just find some other place to sit,"

I was about to turn around when she said, "Wait a minute," I saw her reach something from her bag and she got something that looks like a small pouch. She opened it and inserted two of her fingers in and pinched something. Then, she threw the... dust? What the hell is she doing?

Suddenly, out of nowhere a chair appeared beside her. My jaw dropped and stared at her, shocked.

She simply smiled at me and extended her hand towards me, "Hi, I'm Hinata and I'm a faerie,"

I think I almost fainted. A faerie? Hinata's eyes dimmed a bit and I felt bad because I'm just staring at her hand, realizing this, I quickly reached out and shook her hand, "My name's Ino. Ino Yamanaka,"

Hinata seems to be waiting for me to say more, "Oh, I came from Tokyo." She giggled and said, "You're supposed to say your name and your species,"

Oh, right. She's a faery, "I'm a witch,"

"Well nice to meet you, oh and you better go sit now, cause this class' teacher doesn't like it when students aren't seated when he enters the room,"

I nodded and smiled back, "Okay, sure. Thanks," With that, I walked over to the seat Hinata made for me and sat down, I took out my books to get ready for the class.

Once classes are over, I walked towards to restaurant. And yes, they call it a restaurant cause only the richest of the richest study here. Tsk, tsk.

I entered the restaurant and I almost dropped my books.

This is one of the most amazing and grand places I've ever been to. The huge chandelier in the middle of the ceiling is so huge that it looks like the ceiling's going to come off, which must've been made out of real diamonds or something. And the buffet area has food that I've never even heard of! As I walk through the line, I saw that one of the stations is solely dedicated to caviar. Wow, even though they're disgusting, it's still pretty impressive. After scanning the buffet area, I realized that most of the food here is so grand and expensive that they don't even offer normal food. I can't believe that they don't have mac n' cheese!

I just grabbed a bottle of water, which of course is Evian , and checked out the counter. After looking at the food they served, I think my appetite just went away and decided that I'll just explore the campus ground.

When I exited the restaurant, I made a right turn, as I was about to pass by, I saw a red metal door that has a sign that says, 'To The Rooftop'

I walked towards it and tried to open the door, surprised that it's actually not locked. I opened the door enough to fit me and went up the stairs. As I went near the top, I am stopped by another door, this time the door is made out of wood. And it looks pretty old.

Once I opened the door, I can see the place clearly.

It's like a greenhouse of some sort. The ceiling is clear giving you a view of the clouds outside and there are plants and herbs everywhere. There are also shelves, a lot of shelves that look like they cramped into a place. Walking through the shelves, I saw some jars that have some kind of thing inside. As if they're pickling something. And it looks very disturbing.

I moved to another part of the rooftop and saw some weird-looking animals. There's this one animal that has the body of a monkey and the head of a horse. It's really creepy and it's a good thing that it's asleep or who knows what I would've done to me, especially when I'm alone in a creepy place like this.

After going around the place a few times to check out some of the things they have here, I felt some Goosebumps as if someone was watching me and I don't know who.

A few feet from the door, I felt something in my head. At first, it was like this feeling of grogginess when you just woke and, and then suddenly it felt like someone was trying to squeeze my skull, I screamed and fell down to my knees clutching my head to make it stop, as soon as it came it disappeared.

I took a few breaths to calm myself down.

Once I'm calmed down, I stood up, but something caught my eye, there was a large velvet black box on the floor. Which wasn't there before, like something just took it out of its hiding place. I crouched down again and reached for the handle of the box, when I tried to open it with my own hands, it didn't want to open. I searched for any locks on the box but there weren't any on it.

After tugging on the handle and few more times, and not opening even a millimeter, I gave up and stood up.

I was about to leave the room, but something black blurred passes me. My guard was up at that instant; trying to feel some presence in the room, after a few more minutes of searching the room with my eyes and feeling none I walked out and closed the door not knowing that there's a guy on the ceiling that has been watching my every move since I entered the rooftop.

*Double Update for you all and I was sick for a while but I recovered really quick thanks to your prayers (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ*

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