Chapter 42: Training

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We were still at S.T.A.R Labs; Barry was so kind to let us stay and figure out everything,

"Jordan, again," I demanded. Clark and Conner were training together while I work with Jon and Jordan. Jordan groans

"Can't Jonathan go now?" he pleads,

"No, out of everyone here, you have the least amount of experience out on the field,"

"Ya, but last time it was just Jon and me; I kicked his ass,"

"Jordan, language," Clark yells, continuing training Conner,

"Sorry, but seriously y/n,"

"Look, I said no, okay, I need you to be safe,"


"Because I care about you," I say, he smiles, in return I punch him, he goes flying to the wall,

"Ow," he winces,

"Okay, fine, 5 minutes," I say. Jordan gets up perfectly fine,

"Thank you!" I smile and roll my eyes,


We walk around S.T.A.R Labs,

"Look, I know what you're going to say-" Jordan tries to speak, but I interrupt him as usual, but this time, with a kiss,

"Bet that wasn't what you thought," I say smiling; his face, however, was straight. Did he not like me anymore?

"No, no, no. The last time we kissed, things ended very badly. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye, it happened so quick, but this, this feels like a goodbye," he confesses.

Maybe he was right; this did feel like a goodbye,

"Okay, how about this, we don't kiss after the battle," I suggest

"That's fair. Should we head back?" he asks. I nod, we get back to fighting, he charges at me, I dodge, but he punches me in the back, I bump into the wall,

"Good job, Jordan. Again," I demand


Two weeks later...

A lot happened in the past two weeks, Jordan and I had a talk about making us official, Conner and I discussed Morgan Edge some more, celebrated Christmas with team Flash, note to self, the West's go all out, and when I turn 18 try grandma Esters eggnog, because it's a hit.

I just needed to talk to Jon about me and Jordan, no problem, Barry called me to the Cortex,

"What's going on?" I ask

"This," Barry said, a video of Morgan Edge was on the screen

"Play it," I insist; Barry obeys

"Hello y/n, come to the desert, alone, If you please," he shows a video of Sarah tied up somewhere,

"Sarah!" I yell

"If you want to save your friend," the video cuts off. I look at Clark.

"Y/n no," I walk past him

"I'm not asking for permission; I'm going," I speed to Cisco's workshop,

"Do you have my suit," he jumps up out of his chair,

"Jeez, knock next time," he said

"Cisco, do you have my suit," I ask again? He smiles

"Don't tell Barry, but this is my best work,"

I put it on and fly to the desert.

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