Chapter 7: The Truth

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"Y/n, what do you mean?" Clark asked. I pull him to a corner that people don't surround.

"I lied, okay, I lied about not seeing anything. I saw that a beam of light shoots out of Jordan's eyes! I lied about the metal water bottle, heck I even lied about how I feel, cause the truth is I'm scared; I didn't even ask my parents if I was adopted because I'm scared to know," I complained.

"Everything is new, and I have many questions like why do I have these abilities, and why were they repressed for so long?" I asked and slowly raising my voice

"Y/n, there's so much you don't know, but I will be here every step of the way," Clark said sympathetically, then we heard.

"Dad!" Jordan yelled. He runs up to him and hugs him,

"I'm so sorry," Jordan said. What happened? Why was he sorry?

"It's ok. I understand why you were mad," said Clark; that was sweet. Sarah comes running to us,

"Are you ok?" she asked. Jordan and I said yes at the same time,

"Oh, I was actually asking Jordan, but that's still good," she said.

"Jordan, I think you should get a check-up. I'll walk you there," she suggested.

That's a little suspicious. Why did- you know what, it's probably nothing Sarah was just friendly, right? I watch them as they walk away, I look at Clark, and he looks around.

"Are you ok, Clark?" I asked him,

"I don't know. I feel like I'm letting my kids down in a way," said Clark

"Clark, take advice from a person who is let down pretty much every day of their life say, you're doing an amazing job, you're not the problem, and it's not their problem, your guys just need to talk it all out," I said shocked, when did I get so wise.

"Thanks y/n, that means a lot," said Clark, then a nurse comes running up to us,

"Your son is conscious again," he said. We run to his gurney,

"Jonathan!" I said and hugged him. He groans

"Sorry, I'm still in pain," he said very groggily

"That's ok," I said. I look to see if Jordan is ok, then I see him passionately kissing Sarah, all of a sudden a wave of jealousy passes through me, it's all up to fight of flight, I quickly look away, but Jonathan saw just in time what had just happened.

"I have to go," I said as a turnaround.

"Oh no, you don't," Jonathan says. He grabs my hand,

"Jonathan, let me go," I say in a monotone voice.

"Can we at least give you a ride home?" I nod

"What about Jordan," I ask

"He can get a ride with the Cushings," he said, a little mad

"Dad, let's go," said Jonathan.

"But Jor-" he gets cut off by Jonathan.

"Cushing's, now can we please just go" Jonathan demanded.

"Wait before we go. I need to do something," I said

"Huh?" asked Jonathan. I walk over to the guy that started this, and I look at him

"Um...can I help you with something?" He asks, then I punch him in the face

"Don't mess with us," I threatened him; then I walk away feeling like a bad bitch.

"Well, damn. Didn't expect that," Jonathan said

"Don't mess with my friends, well right now, friend," I said

We head to the truck, and Jordan runs up to us

"Um...forgetting something?" Jordan asks. I give him the death stare, then step in the truck.

"Maybe you should ask your new girlfriend, huh? I'm sure she'll be thrilled," said Jonathan, then steps in the truck; as we drive away from Jordan, he looks confused. I mean, why wouldn't he be.

"Hey, Clark?" I ask

"Yeah?" he answers

"I think I'm ready to ask my parents," I said cautiously

"Are you sure? Because once you find out, you have the choice to find who you are, and I don't think you'll like it." He says, a little worried.

"I think I'm ready. Can you stay outside, because if the answer is what I think it is, I'm gonna need a place to stay," I asked temporarily?

"Yeah, ok," he answers.

"Huh?" said Jonathan.

"Nothing that concerns you, Jonathan," Clark said

"Um...ok," he said, then I whisper to him

"Hey, are you ok? After what happened at the bonfire, you are kinda different," I said sort of nicely.

"Well, the explosion was ver-" I cut him off

"No, I mean with Jordan and Sarah," I said

"Oh well, he damn well knew that I liked Sarah, but he kissed her anyway "he raised his voice a little

"And I think I kinda had a thing for Jordan, but that's a little late now," I complained.

"And I live with him, and maybe you will too; this will be great," he said sarcastically.

"We're here," said Clark. "Are you sure ready?" he asks me. "I think so."

I step outside the truck and open my front door, where my "parents" greeted me with hugs and kisses. I broke free.

"What's the wrong bug?" Dad asks

"We need to talk" I point to the dinner table.

"What is it?" Mom asks, out with it then.

"Am I adopted?" I ask. They look at each other, which already gave my answer.

"So, I'll take that as a yes?" I ask

" I knew one day this would happen. I wish it weren't this soon, "Mom says

"Tell me everything, please I need to know," I pled

"As you know, we adopted you when we were just 18 because that's the legal adopting age, but we found you when we were 16. I finally left my abusive home and found the love of my life." Holding my dad's hand.

"So your mother and I ran way from Metropolis and started a life here. We tried looking for your birth parents, and no one claimed you, so we did." Said my 'dad,' starting to tear up.

"Oh, wow," I asked

"Now you know," she said. She tries to hug me. I get up, go to my room and start packing up.

My mom sees me and asks

"What are you doing? Look, I know your mad, bu-"

I cut her off. "I'm not mad, I just need space, and I'm not running away; I'm going to be staying with a friend for a while," I said. She smiles and says, ok, I finish packing and walk out of the front door.

"Let's go," I said as I climb into the truck, then we drove off.

Superman and Lois  X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora