Chapter 33: A Fight to Remember

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It was an entire week since we confronted Clark; I was in my cell punching the wall. With every punch I made, anger flowed through me. I couldn't stop thinking about dinner; how did they even know? How long did they know? I hear footsteps, but I continue punching the wall, then the footsteps stopped,

"Y/n?" A voice asked behind me. They sounded like they need reassurance and not actually asking where I was; I ignored them.

"Y/n!" I ignored them again; I didn't feel like talking. What did they not understand? I hear my cell door open.

"Y/n, please talk to me," they calmly say, 

"Jon, please educate me on what I could do, please tell me because I would really like to know, I am here against my will, I could easily escape here, but Lex is going to find someone that I love and make me watch him kill them, then find me and kill me," I say raising my voice.

"I just-I don't know how long I can do this for, it's driving me-," Jon interrupts me with a kiss.

"Leave," I say quietly

"What?" He replied back

"Please...just leave," I usually say; he scoffs then leaves. I keep telling myself that pain was just an illusory sensation that our mind could shut down if it needed to. I walk out of my cell looking for Lex; of course, he was in the weapons room.

"Hey, can I come in?" I asked, knocking on the door; he signals at me to come in, not making eye contact with me

"What do you want, k/n?" he asks ever so rudely, but then again, I was talking to Lex Luthor.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for calling you a sick bastard," I say apologetically, starting to fidget with the back of my neck,

"I appreciate that k/n, but why don't you finally ask what you've been dying to ask," Lex says

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I say,

"Oh, I think you do, you're fidgeting with your neck, you're more pale than normal, and you look extremely malnourished," he said

"Actually, I think the malnourished part was you, the last time I had a good meal was a week ago, and that didn't even last long,"

"K/n, just ask," he says, finally looking up in annoyance

"What did you inject me with? And how...?" He chuckles, showing an evil grin,

"Oh, k/n, k/n, k/n. I thought you were smarter than that, well if you must know-," he was cut off by a blaring alarm, "What going on?" he asked. A soldier barged into the room,

"There appears to be an intrusion, sir," they said

"Well, deal with it," he raised his voice

"We can't..." 

"Why the hell not?" he asked angrily.

"'s Superman," the soldier replied. Lex smiles

"Time to suit up, k/n...get Jonathan," Lex demands.


Damn it, I wish they would have just listened to me and stay away. I run to Jon's cell.

"Jon!" I call out; I enter his cell. His being shirtless caught me by surprise.

"I know," he said, putting a skin-tight shirt on; he pushed me out, slamming the door behind him, "Let's go kick some ass" (Jon's outfit)

"I know," he said, putting a skin-tight shirt on; he pushed me out, slamming the door behind him, "Let's go kick some ass" (Jon's outfit)

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I go to my cell and suit up, 

I go to my cell and suit up, 

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We all enter the center room. We see soldiers, unconscious and injured, on the ground, leading towards different rooms. A large crash came from above the ceiling as fragments tumble to the ground, causing smoke to fill the space when we hear a large thud in unison. The smoke starts to clear up. There stood Jordan, Kor-van...and Superman.

"What do we do now?" Jon asks

"We fight," Lex says; we all go for one. I run towards Kor-van; we jump, break through the ceiling and fight airborne.

Jordans's P.O.V

Y/n and Conner flew through the ceiling; I look at Jon  

"Jon, I don't wanna fight you. You're my brother...please, just listen," I say, trying to calm him down.

"I don't care, you're working with Superman," he charges at me; I didn't know what to do, he tries to throw a punch, I dodge it and elbowed him in the back of his head, causing him to get knocked out,

"Well, that was easy," I say. I run over to my dad, "Dad!" I call out to him; he was struggling to get Lex off of him since he was wearing some exo-suit, 

"Jordan! Try to help...Conner!" he struggled to say, yelling at me. I run outside; it's times like these when I wis I could fly. They were in the middle of a fight.

Y/n P.O.V

"Give it up, Kor-van; you can never beat Lex. He always wins, join us, and we can fight alongside each other," I demand

"How bad did he brainwash you y/n?" he asked. 

"That doesn't matter," I blast him with my laser eyes, he fires them; also, we started moving closer and closer, I was starting to get tired, and I could see he was as well, but that didn't stop me, when we began to get closer and closer, I was in reaching distance, I grabbed his neck, and began to fly straight down, shoving him through the ceiling, then forcing him to the ground, my knee was to his neck, I get off of him so that I can finish him, but Jordan and Superman joined him,

"Y/n, we don't want to fight you, please," Superman says. I grin at them and channel my blue sun. I floated up surrounded by a blue aura, "You mean nothing to me," I say; I blast them with my blue sun, I saw a flicker of red in the blue blast...what did that mean?

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