Chapter 36: Operation Re-birth

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"Ad-van, what do you mean?" I ask, "We must stop this," I insist

"No! There is no stopping this when a Ulearian is in its reincarnation faze; there is no stopping the process," Ad-van struggles to say

"AHHHHHHH," Conner yells, "It burns, why does it burn," 

"That's it," I try to grab one of them, but the energy that was forming around them blasted me backward. I gain my balance in time, then it stops. Conner and Ad-van fall to the ground, Jon and Jordan checked to see if they were okay, I rush to the room y/n was in, 

She was still lying there. I slowly walk to her; with every step I took, it pained me with the fact that I would never see her again; I would never hear her voice, her laugh. She made me better; she kept me grounded. She was the daughter I never had. I look over her, and I caress her head.

I hear Lois' footsteps as she hugs me from behind; I listen to her sniffling, holding back her tears so she can stay strong for the boys. Ad-van comes in,

"I don't understand why didn't it work?" he asks in agony, walking to the other side of y/n

Jonathan, Jordan giving Conner a shoulder, "Y/n?" Conner asks weakly. He tries to walk to her on his own but fails. Y/n was gone...

"Do we know if she had any other family?" I ask,

"Ya us," Jordan says

"Time of death?" I ask

"March 23rd, 2034, 12:39 pm," Conner says


Y/n P.O.V

I wake up with a bright blazing red light on my face. My eyes flutter open; I feel like garbage; what happened? Where am I? Why am I here? I slowly sit up, rubbing my neck. Why was there a red light beaming at me? I had so many questions, starting with... a door? I place a foot on the floor. Even though I was where shoes, I could still feel the coldness passing between the soles; I open the door. Then an alarm goes off. I start running; eventually, I find a place to hide.

I look around. Why did this place look familiar? I hear a large thud, "Who's there," the person in the blue with a red cape said...wait? Blue suit with red cape, why did that look familiar? 

"Oh my god! Jordan, Conner, you need to get down here, we have a code amber, I repeat we have a code amber," He says; he looks around the room, then looks directly in my direction, he walks towards the counter I was hiding behind, "Y/n?" he said, I was not the master currently at remembering things. Still, I knew that was my name, and I stand up.

"Y-Y/n, oh my goodness," he pulls me into a tight hug, "Haha! Whooohooo, you're alive, oh thank god," he doesn't release until the two boys, I assume are Jordan and Conner, arrive. When he pulls apart, I must've had a confused look on my face, well...because I was confused, "Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Who are you guys?" I ask; they all look at me stunned, 

"Conner, go get Lois, and Jordan go get Jon from school," he demanded, they hesitated, "Now!" he raised his voice, they run, then they were gone, "Y/n what do you mean, when you ask who we are, do you remember somethings or nothing at all?" he asks

"I mean, the outfit you're wearing seems familiar, this place seems familiar...the-the fortress of solitude?" Am I questionable said? What the hell is that? I just said the first thing that comes to mind.

"Yes, Yes! Exactly that, do you know what this place is exactly?" he asks

"Well...I'm guessing it's not Elsa's ice castle," I say jokingly.

"Y/n, please take this seriously," He says. Jordan and Conner arrive, with a woman and boy with blonde hair, wearing a letterman's jacket. "Okay, now that everyone is here, do you recognize anyone of us?" he asks.

"I-," I look around; the boy with the letterman's jacket catches my eye, he had his head down avoiding eye contact with me, I walk up to him, "J-Jonathan?" I say, utterly doubtful in my answer, 

"Y-yeah?" he answers, still refusing to make eye contact with me, but why?

"Jon, we friend? It was complicated," I said. My brain was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't interpret it. Instead, I hugged him, 

"Y/n, I am so sorry," he whispers in my ear; I pull apart our faces inches away,

"You don't need to apologize; I'm sure you did nothing wrong," I say; he scoffs,

"I'm not too sure about that," he says, looking down,

"Just stay strong, Jonathan. It will be okay in the end," I say. He looks into my eyes, our face still inches apart, reading them to see if he could find an ounce of dishonesty,

"How can you be so sure," 

"I may not remember you, but I do know that this family has a heart, has depth," I say, breaking away from his holding; I look at the boy with the black curly hair, "Jordan," I say, "Now you, my friend are, one of my memories of which I have the most of, the partial, little snipes of them, but I have a lot of you," I say smiling walking up to him, he smiles back,

"Okay, you have some knowledge of you; some of us are, right? Do you at least know all of our names?" Clark asks. I nod.

"Lois, my- uh...mother figure," I point to the woman, "Conner, my brother," I point to the guy standing next to Lois, "And you, Clark, a.k.a Superman," I say, 

"I think it's time we all took a little family trip; I have friends in Central city, who could help you," Clark says,

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get packing," I say. We all walk to the outside of the fortress, Clark picked me up, and we flew back to Smallville, we arrive, and I see, snow on the ground, we arrived home, "Um...guys, can I ask something?" I say they all look at me,

"How long was I a coma for?" I ask, they all look at each other, but their eyes did all the talking, 

"9 months," Conner blurted out.

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