Chapter 16: Brother?

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"Superman? What do you mean?" I ask 

"When you disappeared me, the boys and Lois did everything to find you. After four months, we slowly gave up and gave into the fact that you might be dead," I silently gasp,

"So one day I snuck into the old fortress and brought a vial of your blood, because right before you had been taken Ad-van was about to say something, I asked Ad-van who your brother was and..." he looks at Conner, then we all look at Conner "He's not only just your brother, he's your twin," Clark says 

"No, no, I am nobody's brother, and I am nobody's twin, okay" he looks at me. 

"I don't know who you think you are, but I am not your brother. I don't have a family, and that's it," he runs out of the fortress and flies away. I follow him, and I call out his name.

"Conner, Conner!" I yell; he turns around 

"What!" He yells 

"Please, come back. We can show you the evidence," I say 

"Here's the thing, I'm not running away because I don't believe you, I'm running away because I do and I don't want to, just let sit with it for a while" he continues to fly away, I let him, and I fly back to the fortress 

"Oh boy, I screwed up this time," I say as I walk towards everyone 

"Y/n, it's not your fault," Clark says 

"I know it's just I feel guilty for some reason," I say 

"Let's just go home," I say. I pause 

"Does everyone think I'm dead?" I ask 

"No, we just told everyone you were in National City for a personal leave," Clark says 

"So, I can go back to my old life," I say happily. 

"Ya, you do, but you have a lot to catch up on for how long you've been away" I chuckle, 

"Let's just go" me and Clark each grab one of the boys, and we fly back to their house.

We later reach the house, nothing changed, the same fresh air, we all go inside, and the TV was still on, we head to the dining table. 

"When I go back to school, could Jordan come with Jon and me?" I ask 

"Yes, please I have been homeschooled for six months," Jordan begs 

"Fine, I guess," Clark agrees. I look around 

"Man, I miss this place. Do you guys have any leftovers? I'm hungry," I say, then I see a sandwich, which I take.

"Y/n, do you mind telling us what happened to you?" Clark asks; I hesitate a little 

"Um...After I fainted, I remember waking up in a chair greeted by Lex and him asking me questions; I didn't answer them, of course, so they left and threw Conner in the cell with me, then we tried to escape, failed. They dragged us out of the cell, they strapped us to chairs, and that time we tried to escape, we came so close, but Lex shot us with kryptonite then-" I was interrupted by the TV broadcast. 

"Hello K/n, I told you not to double-cross me, now you have to pay," Lex says; I gasp.

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