Chapter 40: The Pod

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I fly to the arctic, "Father!" I call out, "Show yourself, you coward," I hear footsteps, I turn around,

"Well, you're calling me a coward; that can only mean you know the truth," he said

"You damn straight, I know the truth!" I lash out, "If I didn't need you for something, we would be having a very different conversation," 

"Yes, and I understand that. What do you need?" Ad-van asks,

"Where did my pod land? And where did Conner's pod land?" I ask

"Come, I'll show you,"

"Why can't you tell me?" I ask, concerned,

"Seeing is believing. You wouldn't believe it if I told you," Ad-van murmured.


We arrive at Clark's Farmhouse. We head to the back. I stare in awe,

"You landed here," he said. I look him dead in the eye,

"Why the hell did you not put me with them? Clark was your best friend; you guys told me you were close since birth. I want to understand, I want to see your side, but I can't. Dad, we felt betrayed. You didn't give us a chance. You left us with strangers when we could have lived a happy life together," I vented. I was confused, especially when I said, strangers. He gazed down, avoiding eye contact,

"Unless they weren't strangers." he tenses. I walk up to him, continuing my stare, "Dad, who are they?" he looks me in the eyes,

"You are right, little one, I-he promised you'd be safe, you both would be safe-," he stops, gasping for air, 


"Morgan Edge works with Lex Luthor," he managed to spit out before his last breath.

I look down, and there it was—a glowing green spear right through his liver. "No, no," I wailed.

The spear retracts, my father falling, unmasking the deranged killer, "Hello, princess," I stand there, unable to move, Morgan Edge killed my father, Morgan Edge killed my father, 

"Why?" I ask,

"Oh, do you mean why I killed your father? He knew too much, but now that he's gone, I have my plans for you," he declared,

"And-and what makes you think I'm going to join your evil renegade?"

"Because I have the answers to all your questions," I was even more worried and scared now,

"And how should I believe you?" I ask. In a blink of an eye, he was inches from my face. He leans to my ear,

"Your mother is alive," he moves his head to the center, turns around and walks away, leaving. He faces me one last time, "You have one month before all hell rains down. I would make your decision quickly if you care about these people," he flys away, I stare into the sky. Morgan Edge had powers. 

My eyes gaze down. I fall to my knees, holding my dad in my arms, tears falling, it started to rain. Then I remember why I was here, "The pod," I look around where a pod would be? I use my x-ray vision. I looked in the direction of the barn. 

"Gotcha," I fly to the barn, looking around frantically; I fly up and look around, "There you are," I land on the little piece of wood that was there. The pod took up more than half its space. I scrimmaged through the pod tapping button that looked like it wouldn't blow up the entire ship. I reach under the seat. I felt a piece of paper, along with a necklace.

And the piece of paper was a letter addressed to Conner and me, from our Mother

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And the piece of paper was a letter addressed to Conner and me, from our Mother. I heard a thud; I fly outside, away from the barn, "Superman!" I yell,

"Y/n!" he says. I fly to him to close the gap between us. He pulls me into a tight hug, "What are you doing here?" he asks.

I see him; I see the dead body of my father again. Clark turns around in confusion, "Oh my god, what happened?" He asks

"I'm gonna find Edge, and I'm gonna kill him," I say

"Y/n, y/n focus on me okay, we will figure this out together, but killing is never the answer," I say,

"You don't understand what I've been through, living in this dreadful little town, you don't understand what I've lost, you don't understand!" I proclaim,

"Y/n, you keep forgetting, I lost my whole planet from a threat people knew about, but did nothing about, I lost my friends, I lost my family-,"

"No, you have a family here! You have Lois, you have Johnathan, you have Jordan, you had Martha," I said

"You had Diane and Greg," 

"No, no, I didn't. Ad-van was a cheap liar; he put me with Greg and Diane because they worked for Lex Luthor, and guess who Lex worked for,"

"Morgan Edge," he finished,

"Exactly, and Greg and Diane were supposed to eliminate me once I turned 16, now their dead because of me, Ad-van is dead because of me, I just- I don't know what I'm going to do, I have so much blood on my hands, I-" Clark doesn't say anything more he pulls me in, "I don't know what I'm gonna do," I sobbed into his chest,

"Shhh," he says, "How about we hold a funeral for him, he may not get the world #1 Dad award, but he deserves a proper send-off, what do you say?" he asks

I nod into his chest, "Can we go now," 

"Of course," he said. We fly away, back to Central City.

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