Chapter 29: Anger

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We reached home, and I was mad. I started to stomp my way upstairs, 

"Y/n, I'm fine, seriously okay," Lois says, trying to calm me down; I turn around and face her,

 "No, no, it's not okay, Lois. You almost died today, on my watch," I raise my voice, 

"Y/n, it doesn't matter-" I cut her off,

 "Except it does, Lois, it does matter; I lost my birth mother, I lost my adoptive parents, hell I lost Martha! Lois, I couldn't lose you too," I run out of the door and fly away, 

Lois calls out for me, but I ignore her.


Conner's P.O.V

I hear yelling downstairs, and I wasn't even using my super hearing, 

" I lost my birth mother!" When y/n said that, I immediately stopped listening or tried to at least. When the yelling was done, I head downstairs,

 "Lois?" I ask. She was sitting at the kitchen table, running her fingers through the roots of her hair.

"What happened?" I asked her; everyone slowly started file into the room...except Jonathan.

"When, um, when I went to the town hall meeting, y/n went with me, and when it was done we got in the car, she smelt something weird I guess, then she flew me out of the car, seconds later it exploded, y/n saved me, she saved tons of other people, she was a hero, but I brushed it off like it was nothing, and well she flew away because she was mad, about me almost dying," Lois says,

 "Did she say where she was going?" Jordan asks

Lois shakes her head. I think long and hard of where she could be, "I'll see if I can find where she is," Clark said, "We'll talk about your near-death later." 

"No, I will. I think I know some places she could be," I fly away, 

Clark calls out my name. I ignore him. I fly to the school, no y/n. I fly to her old house, no y/n. Where was she? I go to the house next door, "Hey," Sarah said. "Hey, is y/n here by any chance?' I ask

"No, she isn't. Did she run away?" She asks, 

"What, pfft, no. We were just um...playing..." What is a good excuse, "Playing an extreme game of....hide and seek," Hide and seek really?

"Really, well no, she isn't here; good luck though," She says. "Thanks, I'm gonna need it, bye," I say. 

"Bye," she starts to close the door.

"Wait, do you have any idea of where she could be hiding?" I ask, 

"Isn't that cheating?" Sarah asks 

"Do you want to be it, trying to look for three other people in a town's population of 45,001 people?" I ask, 

"Point taken, um. Did you try the house next door?" She asks, 

"What, why didn't I think of that?" I ask sarcastically, 

"Okay, smartypants, how about the school?" She asks; I nod my head, 

"The Schuster mine? You know where the- oh wait you were there," She says 

"No, I didn't look there," I turn to walk away. 

"Wait, sorry, I just- I kinda need directions just because well, ya know," 

She gives me the directions. I start to walk away again. Then I turn back around. 

"Sorry again, but just in case that she isn't at the mine, where else do you think she'll be,"

"How about I give you a list? I'll be right back" she later comes back with a pen and paper.

"These are all some possible places," She says. I turn around, looking at them starting to walk away; I turn back around. She was seconds away from the door closing. 

"Sorry, one last thing," she opens up the door. I run back to the house and kiss her on her cheek. 

"Thank you for this," and run to the Schuster mine, the first place on the list.

I've been looking for her for almost an hour. The last place on the list was the Smallville cemetery; why was she there? Just in case she was there, I fly to the nearest flower shop and but a bouquet of red roses, and a bouquet of lavender with white daisies from what I remember those were her favourites, I fly to the cemetery, then I see her, I fly behind her, 

"Hey, Conner," She says without turning around.

"Lois told everyone what happened. That must've been hard," I say; I walk to the headstone she was looking at and sat right next to her.

"What's this?" She asks, looking a the bouquets of flowers in my hand

"Oh, the roses are for..."I look at the headstone 

"Martha Kent?" Kent? 

"And these... are for you," I say. She starts to get teary

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm here, " I say. She puts her head on my shoulder.

"Why are you here Conner, I thought you were mad at me?" she asks

"I kinda still am, but you need someone right now," I say

"Why are you mad at me, was it something I said or something I did?" She asks

"Remember when we went to the fortress?" I ask; she lifts her head off my shoulder and looks at me, and nods. 

"And I had that panic attack," she stares at me, "Do you remember the fight you and Jon had?" I ask. She gives a very stern look on her face, then it softened, 

"You wanted to talk about it, but I ignored you; oh Conner, I am so sorry," She says

"Hey, it's okay, I know you can't be at my becking call every second of the day," I say

"No, Conner, it's not okay, you had a panic attack, and you wanted to talk to me about it," She continues to hold eye contact, "Conner, you have no idea how sorry I am. Do you still want to talk about it?" She asks

" Not right now," I say, 

We sit in silence, "Who's Martha," I finally ask; she sits and smiles, looking at the headstone.

"She was Clark's adoptive mother? I guess, when Clark landed here in Smallville, he landed on the Kent farm, so when Clark moved to Metropolis, and later on in the future 2024, that's when I was "adopted," and since Diane and Greg were just 18, I think, they had help from Martha." I say

"So...she was your babysitter," I say, confused.

"No, dumbass...well yes, but we treated her like family because she was," She says, 

"That's sweet," I say. We sit and talk for a little while longer "Should we go now?" I ask

She nods, and we fly home.


Y/n's P.O.V

When we arrived back at the house, Lois greets me with a hug.

"Are you still mad at me?" she asks; I hug her back

"Of course not, I'm sorry I overreacted; I was just worried," I say as we break from the hug

"No, you didn't. I understand why you were angry; you can't lose anyone else today," she says. I nod

Time skip (it makes sense later)

"You know what we should do," Conner says; we all look at him. "A family dinner," We all agree.

I go to the washroom. "Sir, come in. Are you there over," I say

"Mission report, soldier," the boss asks

"They suspect nothing," I reply

"Great job...k/n," 

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