The other original (TVD) fanfic

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Kalus is many things in many people's eyes, cruel, twisted, powerful, ruthless or even down right evil. However what shows on the outside isn't always the whole story. Meet Emily, the new girl in mystic falls she has many secrets but one that takes the cake. She is klaus daughter, however Emily may look nothing like Klaus or act like him she still has one thing of his, the want for revenge and getting even. Follow Emily as she makes new friends and enemies and even finds a new love interest in this cruel world known as reality. ( this is a vampire diaries fanfiction I own no rights to the books or tv shows I am simply adding a twist that I thought would be fun to look at)

Emily POV

"Emily, Emily it's time to get up." A muffled voice whispered while shaking my shoulders.

"No!" I screamed into my pillow while slapping the strangers hand away.

"Emily Mikaelson get out of bed this instant before I am forced to take diaristic measures." I felt someone ripping the blankets from my warm bed but I didn't need heat to stay comfortable so I still refused to move.

"Fine you leave me no choice... Nik!" The woman screamed from somewhere nearby.

"What do you want Rebekah!" A voice yelled from somewhere in the distance.

"Control your daughter and make her get her butt out of bed I'm bored!" Rebekah whined like a five year old even though she was thousand of years old.

"Fine I'm coming." A man grumbled while I picked up on the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Emily, it's time to rise, the sun is up so you should be to." I groaned in reply to his statement which caused him to sigh and sit down on my bed.

"I didn't want to do this, but you really don't leave me any option." I was confused what was he planning.

Before I had time to react I felt his arms around me then they began attacking my sides. I screamed in surprise and attempted to get out of his grasp, but he was having none of it.

"Please. Stop. I. Beg. Of. You." I screamed between laughing fits .

"You had your chance sweetheart, now you must suffer." Father laughed his sinister laugh before attacking my sides once again. I screamed as loud as my lungs would allow me and stars began to dance in front of my eyes. Just before I thought I was going to pass out he stopped and helped me out of bed.

"Now are you going to listen better in the future." I nodded in agreement but he just rolled his eyes knowing that would never happen, I was stubborn just like him and it was more then likely the same thing would happen tomorrow morning.

"Why are you waking me up so early anyway." I complained while making my way downstairs with my father and aunt at my sides.

"Because we are going on a little trip." I looked at him confused and so did Rebekah, but before I could question him he slammed a dagger into Rebekah's back then my own.

"Forgive me my little flower, but this is for the best." With that said I felt the world leave from under me.

My own father had killed me and i had no clue as to why.


I know it's really short and I'm sorry about that but the next chapter will be in mystic falls with the more known characters I just wanted you to see a bit about Emily's past first so let me know what you think :) oh and this book is starting from season two because i don't want to do the awkward introduction to everyone's characters from season one but if you have any questions let me know :)

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