Birthday Cake🎂

Start from the beginning

"You are asking me that.... ?? After discarding three spoiled cakes in the dustbin back to back !!"

"It's three already..."

Kong nodded

"And this is the last batch, we are out of ingredients now..... So please concentrate here....'

Kong lifted the spoon out of his bowl, checking the consistency of his creation.

"I think it’s good to go, I hope it will come out nicely this time"

He said, stepping over to the glass dish beside Arthit and setting his bowl down.

"Did you brush the mould with the liqueur ??"

Kong peered down into the dish before casting an accusatory glance at Arthit who simply offered a half smile and quirked eyebrow.

"You drank it, didn’t you ??"

Kong accused

"Not all of it....."

Arthit licked the end of his pastry brush

"Did you really just do that ??"

Kong asked as he poured the mixture into the dish

"I did, and I’ll do it again, wanna see?"

"We are supposed to be baking this for your best friend, for her birthday, and you have got your drunk ass on the counter licking the pastry brush ?? Seriously ??"

Arthit shrugged.

"As you said she is my bestie.... That's not the big deal for us ?? She wouldn’t mind"

"I am not even going to try and explain this to you right now. Just help me layer this, please"

"Mmm…I don’t know. All these yummy smell of baking cake's and that small amount of liquor is kind of getting to me"

Arthit tugged Kong toward him, hooking one leg around his waist to hold him closer. He pressed the liqueur-soaked pastry brush to his husband's chin, tipping his face upward.

Kong gently slid the brush out of Arthit’s hand, casually tossing it into the sink beside them as their lips met in a slow, sweet kiss.

"I think I could get drunk off your breaths alone"

Kong said as he rested his forehead against Arthit’s.

"Probably. And, while that does sound almost as fun as baking the cake with you, I have a much better idea of what we should be doing right now"

Arthit said with a smile before brushing his lips against Kong’s again.

Kong groaned and pulled away.

"Come on. We are almost finished, then I am all yours"

"And then I can 'have' you up against the counter ??"

There was a moment of silence in which Kong stared at Arthit in what seemed to be mild shock

"I cannot believe you said that with a straight face"

He said finally, before giving in to his laughter.

Kong moved from his spot between Arthit’s legs and finished pouring the mixture into the dish. Together, they added more of the sponge cakes, which Kong, with a new brush, coated with the liqueur. After what seemed to Arthit like hours of torturous kitchen work, finally their project was complete. Kong placed the cake in the fridge, smiling proudly as he turned back toward Arthit.

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