Chapter 47 - Closing Stages

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———South of the U.K., A single bridge———

Phase 2 of Operation: Hastings, also informally known as 'Hastings II'. The Landings. In which American, Japanese, French, and German troops participate.

Several Warships of varying origin open fire upon the British Coastal defences, as the landing craft made their way onto the shore. Upon bleaching themselves the soldiers exit and charge ahead just as several British Machine Guns attempt to quell them down.

A Japanese Soldier quickly dodge the bullets skilfully but he quickly got disoriented as the scattered defences combined with the use of mortars and tanks were plentiful. A shell managed to harm his side, and he was forced to the ground while several soldiers quickly pass him and charge forward.

A somewhat short and young american soldier quickly rushed him as he was pushing himself and pushed him into cover, just as another mortar projectile landed.

"H- *cough* Hah?" The Japanese Soldier blurted out.

"Calm down." Audie said as he wrapped one of the soldier's wounds, specifically the larger one, before he quickly dashed forward. He peaked out to see large numbers of chaos ahead. He pushed himself to his feet, before grasping his assault rifle and jumping over the rock.

"Banzai!" He yelled as he charged alongside several other soldiers.

A nearby German Soldier took a defensive position and held onto a dismounted MG-40 and fired upon the British defences managing to astonishingly eliminate a good number.

"Severloh, get out of the way!" The one handling the bullet belt of the Machine gun said he pulled him aside, A tank shell striking their area.

An American soldier with an M1 Bazooka got targeted the British tank that sent that shell and fired the rocket at towards its hull, somehow managing to strike its gun, splitting it apart.

"Lucky!" He yelled ecstatically, until a shadow loomed over, a British soldier jumping from one of the bunker roofs.

"Oh... Not so lucky." Were his last words, as he got killed by getting stabbed through the chest Via a sword from a Scotsman.

"Come on Ye posh c**ts!" He yelled charging towards the advancing axis soldiers.

"Now this is my fight." A Japanese soldier dropped his gun and pulled out a katana, and dashed towards the Scotsman.

"Bring it on!" He yelled, as both swords collided with a clang.

"Get a load of that..." severloh's loader pointed his finger towards the two soldiers duelling it out. An American soldier beside them took this opportunity to snap a picture, which would would be unanimously called 'The Duel of D-Day.'


A large protest consisting of many British citizens occur within the confines of London, there are those amidst it that flew a banner held high bearing the symbol of a Lightning Bolt. Many of the protestors quickly gave way to these individuals as they marched towards London.

"Today, we are ending this chaos in our home." Mosley said as he marched ahead.

Within the buildings nearby, many of which are occupied by the remaining 'non-coerced' GiEs, several personnel are busy with the people responsible.

"You must be delusional! Do you honestly think we will give away the nation we have the rights to rule?!" One of the nationalists belonging to the Danish GiE, yelled.

"There... That is it. 'Rights to rule'. I've been listening to many speeches and have seen many views, You people just want your power back you got just from birth and not from merits, and nothing else. It's laughable that you exhibit such resistant behaviour, but you fell faster than France." Julie responded

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