Chapter 42

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———Adriatic Sea———

In the middle fo the Adriatic Sea, separating the Italian Peninsula from the Balkan Region, a Civilian-grade-sized cargo vessel was listing severely to one side. Surrounding it were four others, experiencing similar circumstances.

"Abandon ship immediately!" The captain ordered

"But what about the cargo?! The party will be undersupplied!" An officer protested, Under sheer secrecy the cargo ships were small and insignificant but generally travel in groups at a time for greater efficiency akin to one or two large cargo vessels.

"Forget it! The German Reich is far too advanced than us, we were doomed from the start of this coup!" The Captain retorted.

The sailors quickly jump off of the ship or reach the lifeboats just in time as the ship began capsizing. As it submerged it began to bring several others down with it, Those unlucky few drowned, while the 'lucky ones' were swimming in the dark very few life boats in comparison to how many sailors were in the sea were present.

They were somewhat fortunate as in the distance three vessels designed to be unseen and destructive looked beneath the waves.

"Sir..." One sailor pointed to the distance, specifically noticeable protrusion from the water. It wasn't long before the object sunk back down the waves.

Three U-boats immediately rise from the water and continue moving forward to pick up the stranded sailors. A large search-light was emitted to scan the dark surroundings.

"That's it... The Federation is done for, no point in continuing this anymore." The captain lied back down on the lifeboat.

———Great Britain———

In a street within Great Britain several individuals in what appears to be Citizen Militia clothing lie in the streets, some being dragged off to be hospitalized while others were dead and gone and many are being laid down on body bags for burials.

Few chassis of minor tanks also lay motionless and ablaze, these British communists alongside soviet communists that had managed to enter the country's bounds.

"So What now...?" An aide of Julie asked her, as both of them sat by a balancing in the distance.

"Dissuade Monarchism, and eliminate Plutocracy. I mean... Yeah, I never liked monarchies anyway so inefficient... Inadequate Leadership on all levels. And for the last part I hope Francesca and others will be smart enough to not let the wrong people get their hands on some level of authority." She replied

"I don't think Mr. Mosley will be enough to turn the hand of the British, even if it is supported. The government's pride as an empire despite crumbling is still on the line, and the government-in-exiles continue to press them in-order for their countries to be brought back under their rule."

"Which is why they I'll be experiencing something to turn their hand soon. America is coming soon."

"But even with that Britain still has a proper Air Force. Focused on fighters rather than bombers, our spy stated that they are beginning to utilize jets for themselves, it seems like the soviets are lending them."


'I forgot that Germany didn't make their bombings widespread enough, and focused primarily in Africa... They still have a good Air Force.'

"But... That does indicate they are aware of their hopelessness in this situation. I don't know if thats helping anymore." Julie Said.


"Woah, what?"

"Nothing, Ms. Reagan, Those sentences were a bit... Uncharacteristic of you."

"Death is nothing new to me..." she said as she scratched a noticeable wound on her forehead caught during one of the fightings which nearly killed her via falling debris.

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