Chapter 4 - Secluded Development

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It has been a few days after being processed, and was currently dressing up in my uniform. I more or less serve in the Wehrmacht whilst being a close aide of Ava.
As for my rank, Ava just boosted me into a Generalfeldmarschall... If I was merely a person without any knowledge about these positions, I was not cut out for this. But fortunately, I do.

I exited the room only to be greeted by the sight of Albertine, which startled me back.

I exited the room only to be greeted by the sight of Albertine, which startled me back

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"Hello, Matthew." she greeted.

"O-Oh... Hi, Frau Albertine."

"Please call me, like what you usually do. Alt, Okay?"

"Eh... Sure, Alt."

"Coincidence you joined the party."

"Yeah, Never expected you either." I said before I looked at a tag that was placed on He uniform stating her name. 'Albertine Speer', Ah... Albert Speer, Hitler's Architect, or in this case; Ava's Architect.

"Anyways... you must be glad you immediately earned the rank of Generalfeldmarschall? Y'know without doing anything." She eventually Spoke

"I have several technological ideas or blueprints, that I have kept to myself for some time, I won't just stand around and be some figurehead."

"Do you?"

"Yes. I have made a few new designs of weapons and vehicles, that will be useful, including an engine design but I will need a secluded environment for it."

"You redeveloped an engine?"


The engine I'm referring to would be a Multi-fuel V-12 Engine, this would be a bit more costly than the underpowered gasoline engines used by the original Germans, but it will provide increased horsepower, which is practically required in every vehicle-v-vehicle scenario.


I entered Ava's office.

"Kanz- Frau Ava." I said, almost forgetting she asked me to call her Ava instead.

"Hm? Oh, Matthew! What brings you back here?"

"I was about to ask a few questions industrially related."


"What is the Resource amount we currently have?"

"Well, I could say it is pretty high, I've Been doing some work lately, I would say it is above average by comparison to other European nations."

'Alright, that might work in our favour.'

"Why do you ask?"

"I have accumulated some blueprints prior to now, and they are quite advanced nature but I believe is reachable, on my side, that is. But I would require a secluded location to conduct them. I didn't want to be a burden, so I needed it."

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