Chapter 34

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———United States of America———

"Christ... Our Atomic Bombs are not even in development yet, let alone our UFOs, but they've already started developing continental cruise missiles..." Alexis said Before closing the folder. The only acquaintances in the facility being Julie and Wynter (mostly due to knowledge given by Matthew and Amita).

"Even with the increased budget, How are we supposed to keep up...? We have basically nothing on how much they have built and stockpiled."

"We May need to give the Soviets a hard time." Julie suggested


"This is May sound incredibly nonsensical without context or insight like ours, but we should probably provide matthew with our very own computers which may be needed for Equipment that will deter the soviets from sky and cleanly intercept telecommunications, and provide Japan and Italy with up-to-date weaponry or at-least concepts."

"...Yeah... It sounds very very nonsensical. But... What else do we have to do? Though I'm very concerned about Italy, they don't have a reincarnator to manage or control their technological development."

"At-least they're our ally Matthew has significant influence back there, and I'm pretty sure I also overheard Matthew and winter talking about Il Duce. Apparently the Fem-Mussolini has kinky feelings for Matthew at one point." Julie said, Alexis simply grabbed a small paper.

"Write down everything you heard, I'll be preparing the hardware and software to be shipped before I continue with our Alien Research. Chop chop." Alexis said before leaving the room.

"What an interesting girl..." Julie uttered, the behaviour of Alexis is quite unpredictable at-times.


The Streets of Tokyo were lightly travelled, very few people walked through. That's because most age been relocated to the countryside or to sufficient bunkers in anticipation of an attack similar to the Devastations in Far-Eastern Russia and  the Manchurian-Soviet Border.

The Imperial Palace largely remained bustling as the empress is currently planning on a retaliatory attack.

"Japan and America should attempt a 'French Blitzkrieg'... Something similar to how France's best armies were defeated. The Soviet armies have been confirmed to be main forces as they wanted to inflict as much damage to us." Kanade suggested

"Mongolia isn't easy to traverse, so that can't be achieved without much difficulty And possibly casualties if the few Soviet divisions stationed there could use it to their advantage." Hitomi said her skepticism.

"We could ask America for more material to develop armoured fighting vehicles, we could draw in the Soviet Armies and have them fight with intensity against us while the Americans would advance into their territory taking them out in a newly planned pincer movement." Kanade suggested

"...What American soldiers would withstand the Siberian environment?" Hitomi asked

"People born or stationed in Alaska, And States too far up north, such as Wisconsin."

"...That May work but we still have to worry about their rockets. There is no doubt they may have a surplus meaning they will use them at every disadvantageous situation."

"We could develop our own?"

"We would need a lot of resources, we already have iron and oil, but for rockets such as a V-2, oil is not the main element required."

"...What about at sea, how's the progress?"

"The red navy is being pushed back but our forces and our allied forces are suffering considerable damages."

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